Meet Raphael Agyapong, son of a Fairtrade cocoa farmer from Ghana This presentation is brought to you by: Photos: Pete Pattisson
My name is Raphael Ayapong. I come from Akumadan in the Ashanti region of Ghana. My father’s name is Mr Batu and my mother, Mrs Cecilia Amankwa. My father is a cocoa farmer and my mother is a farmer.
Other stuff here SLIDE TITLE HERE In the morning I collect water for my family I use a bucket and I go to the well and pump. When it’s full I leave with the bucket on my head and return to the house. (This well was built with Fairtrade money)
Other stuff here SLIDE TITLE HERE Then I sweep the house and do house chores In the morning I sweep the whole compound or the verandas before I go to school.
Finally, I set off for school in the morning I leave home at about 6:30 to go to school. This is a picture of me going to school and waving at my parents.
Come over from Ghana All the people in the world Other stuff here MEET RAPHAEL My school is called “Great Fammis” The name of my school is called ‘Great Fammis’ in Akumadan. There are 11 teachers and 500 students. (This school was built with the ‘social premium’ from Fairtrade chocolate)
This is me in the classroom (click icon for sound) This is me in the classroom Students are applauded when they answer a question correctly.
Come over from Ghana All the people in the world Other stuff here MEET RAPHAEL Leading prayer at school I am leading prayers for our school I am a senior prefect.
Come over from Ghana All the people in the world Other stuff here MEET RAPHAEL This is ‘Michael Essien’ at breaktime! Most children in Ghana like football. Ghana is in the World Cup for the first time (2006) and I hope Ghana will do well.
Other stuff here SLIDE TITLE HERE It is our end of term party This is our last day at school and for that reason we had a party. This is a picture of I and my friend Gideon dancing. I like dancing but Gideon is a better dancer.
Come over from Ghana All the people in the world Other stuff here MEET RAPHAEL This is my friend Gideon Most children in Ghana like toys but they don’t buy toys from the shop or the supermarket, they make their own toys. An example is my friend Gideon. He has made a nice fan from tin cans.
Other stuff here SLIDE TITLE HERE Sometimes after school I hang out with my Dad This is a picture of I and my father going to the farm. My father was riding and I was sitting at the back.
Other stuff here SLIDE TITLE HERE This is my Dad cutting down a cocoa pod He uses a long knife on a stick.
Other stuff here SLIDE TITLE HERE This is what a cocoa pod looks like It is shaped like a rugby ball.
Other stuff here SLIDE TITLE HERE I am doing some weeding on the farm Here I am uprooting the weeds. This is important because the dry cocoa leaves fall to become manure, so when I uproot the weeds it gives a way for the dry leaves to reach the ground.
Other stuff here SLIDE TITLE HERE I am helping to make dinner with my Grandma Many Ghanaians like “Fu Fu”. Here I am pounding “Fu Fu” with my Grandma. “Fu Fu” is a mixture of Cassava and Plantain.
Other stuff here SLIDE TITLE HERE After school I also do homework After school we are given homework. When I arrive at home, I take a chair and I put my books down and then I try to do the assignment our teacher gave to us.
Other stuff here SLIDE TITLE HERE I go to church every Sunday The service lasts about 5 hours.
Other stuff here SLIDE TITLE HERE My message to young people in the UK… … is that you should continue in the good way you have been doing and support Fairtrade. And also, tell the shops and supermarkets in the UK to stock more Fairtrade and Dubble chocolate.
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