Business process changes due to SIS
The principal component of SIS is removal of paper from the billing and settlement process, but it’s much more – it’s an important cost saving system. However, only well prepared airlines ready to change their business processes will be able to profit from all benefits offered by SIS including its cost saving effects. Business process changes due to SIS
SIS Project is not an IT project only We made an internal business case and researched all necessary tasks in two directions: necessary systems changes for all types (P, C, M) making an internal business processes changes In order to successfully participate in SIS a number of business changes is needed which in turn requires proper internal budgeting and planning. Changes of internal business processes should be considered very carefully and precisely in order to maximize the benefits of the new SIS process.
On what we have to pay attention at Receivables Invoices? To chose between three methods for uploading and downloading data IS-IDEC, IS-XML, IS-WEB (similar to ICH Web). To decide if data will be submitted centrally or separately for each category or by the user… To dedicate the frequency of submitting - daily, weekly.
To select from where the supporting documents will be sourced: scan, created by revenue accounting system or from other systems To be prepared in advance on reduced Rejection Timeframes To ensure that any local regulations regarding Invoice layout are adhered. On what we have to pay attention at Receivables Invoices?
Validation Need to be aware what kind of validations exists within SIS To submit early enough to be able to do all necessary corrections Person submitting the data has to understand the content of the data Be aware of impact on carrier if validation is not passing through – no money! On what we have to pay attention at Receivables Invoices?
To decide on the procedure how the correction should be done: ? Do we allow online correction? ! Be aware that changes made trough the web site are not take into consideration in your Revenue Accounting System ? Do you request new file to be uploaded? ! Be aware if new file is not send, all clearance will be missed! ? Do you allow only the affected invoice to be re- send? ! Be aware that new invoice is very easily forgotten to be sent On what we have to pay attention at Receivables Invoices?
In case you select de-centralized procedure for submission, you need to: Precisely define the whole procedure from beginning to the end (who submits, who validate and who is responsible) Even so, we think that one person should be delegated as the last control person after all files are submitted to SIS How do I make sure all my Invoices are sumbitted to SIS?
On what we have to pay attention at Payables Invoices? How will we handle: old IDEC IS-IDEC To decide which supporting document we really need to avoid additional costs – take special care in the Rejection memo procedure To prepare Finance Department as no paper will be received. This will lead to significant cost savings only if the Finance Department will take care about all legal needs to be able to accept e-invoices. To precisely fulfill the member profile as this will be base of all requested legal data on e-invoice ( VAT requirements included). To prepare the staff how to control the Interline invoices without the paper
Educate staff Educate staff in advance to be well prepared for all changes in business processes and to fully take advantage of SIS including cost saving.
User and password level of responsibility Carefully dedicate the user rights by the level of responsibility. Specially in the beginning of migration validation and correction rights should be delegated only to the very high level.
What will happen to non migrated carriers? A 12 months period is envisaged for migration to SIS; these 12 months will create a mess for both migrated and non migrated carriers and a nightmarish for the non migrated. Putting aside all the benefits of SIS implementation, I would like to draw your attention to the following: as you were already informed, migrated carriers will be able to accept rejections only through SIS. since all rejections for migrated carriers have to be processed through WEB by manually inserting the data and since you need to process those same rejections in your Revenue Accounting System – the work load will be doubled. you will have to attach all documentation through WEB by scanning and will have no automatic link to the same rejections in your system. The migrated carriers will be glad not to receive many rejections in this period.
We believe in SIS project We like SIS project and very strongly believe that this is the right way to go. We recognized that SIS project offers numerous benefits for the whole Airline Industry. SIS will simplify Interline Settlement and remove the paper as logical way after E-ticketing implementation. It will save time and lower the costs
SIS is… Till now I used to finish all my presentations with a slogan: See It Simple See It Special See It Soon Being involved in SIS project has changed my finishing line a little: Simple???? S IS I s S ooooooooo Good!