2 Aims: Interoperability across national boundaries Combining the digital, and other, resources of Europe‘s national libraries. Laying the groundwork to establish a pan- European service
3 Funding European Commission 66 % = 1.2 million Euros Project partners 34 % = Euros
4 Project phase The project phase is essentially a feasibility study, but there is a commitment to take the findings forward to an operational service soon after.
5 Project participants = European National Libraries United Kingdom Germany Netherlands Switzerland (continued)
6 Project Participants = European National Libraries (continued) Portugal Finland Italy Slovenia
7 Project Participants (continued) Conference of European National Librarians (CENL) Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico, Italy (ICCU) (Italy), and University of Northumbria (UNN) is involved as a major contractor in Workpackage 2
8 Project phase: 30 months February 2001 – July 2003 Afterwards: Development of an operational service by the project partners.
9 The CENL member libraries are invited to monitor the progress of the project. to take the necessary steps to join the eventual operational service. to make the required preparations for joining this operational service as soon as possible.
10 The project is an ‘accompanying measure’ under the cultural heritage applications area of Key Action 3 of the Information Societies Technology research programme (IST).
11 Work packages: WP 1:Publisher relations WP 2:Business plans and models WP 3:Metadata development WP 4:Interoperability testbeds WP 5:Dissemination and use WP 6:Management
12 Work package 1 – Publisher relations Common approach on negotiating legal and voluntary deposit agreements with publishers. Establishing co-operative approaches to business, licensing and copyright matters. Lead partner: Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB), The Netherlands
13 Work package 2 – Business plans and models Development of business plans and models Market research User surveys Lead partner: The British Library (BL), United Kingdom
14 Work package 3 – Metadata development Common standards and schemas for metadata to support wide-scale access to digital materials, off-line digital materials and non-digital materials. Concertation work on multilingual access Model for a multilingual service. Lead partner: Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB), The Netherlands
15 Work package 4 – Interoperability testbeds Search in distributed databases using Z39.50 / http + XML Access to publications Multilingual features Evaluation of performance Lead partner: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (DDB), Germany
16 Work package 5 – Dissemination and use Dissemination of the project objectives and results Exploitation of the results Concertation Lead partner: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (DDB), Germany
17 Work package 6 – Project Management Management and Co-ordination Control of Finances Liaison with the European Commission Lead partner: The British Library (BL ), United Kingdom
The Logo Functional, objective, elegant Contains the project name, slogan and acronym Reflects the idea of a gate as being the long-term goal of the project
Thank you! Enjoy the seminar