Company LOGO Final presentation Spring 2008/9 Performed by: Alexander PavlovDavid Domb Supervisor: Mony Orbach GPS/INS Computing System
Agenda 1. General overview 2. Our Project 4. Results GPS/INS Computing System 3. The Design 5. Summary
GPS/INS Computing System General overview “Even Noah got no salary for the first six months partly on account of the weather and partly because he was learning navigation.” Mark Twain
Theoretical Navigation Algorithm 0 Initialization 1 Particle Propagation 2 Particle Update & Normalization 3 State Estimation 4 Effective N calculation 5 D computation 6 Re-sampling 7 Regularization 8 Weight Re-computation GPS/INS Computing System Developed in the “Technion” and Implements the tightly coupled INS/GPS navigation unit, with the particle filter. The algorithm stages:
Project Goals Establishing the efficiency of the particle filter based, tightly coupled INS/GPS navigation unit realization. Designing an efficient real- time particle filter based, tightly coupled INS/GPS navigation unit. GPS/INS Computing System
GPS Computing System
General Our goal was to implement Particle Propagation and State Estimation stages. Both stages were required to function within 0.01 sec. GPS Computing System
Group Project Goals Implementation of Particle Propagation and State Estimation stages of algorithm Successful integration with other groups for evaluating the entire algorithm’s implementation. GPS/INS Computing System
Solution – Top design GPS/INS Computing System Weight vector Particles propagation unit State estimation unit Estimated State Vector [1..18] Estimated State Vector [1..18] xN Extended State Vector [1..18] Extended State Vector [1..18] Extended State Vector [1..18] Controller
Basic architecture 24Bit words data bus. FIFO-Like streaming interfaces ( Request + Empty / Full ) Controlled By Start/Finished activation mechanism Basic Streaming Block Basic Streaming Block Start Finished Control Input Path Output Path
Particle propagation unit GPS/INS Computing System clock reset start finish Particle Propagation Unit X[0..439] INS[0..287] X_OUT[0..439]
Particle propagation unit GPS/INS Computing System Propagation Unit 1 Propagation Unit 2 Propagation Unit 6 MUX (6 to 1) Propagation timing control
Single particle propagation data flow Format inputs to 48 bits Calculate trigonometric functions Latitude sin/cos Format trigonometric function output to 48 bits R_E, R_e, R_N calculation Denominator calculation d_longitude denominator d_latitude denominator Dividers d_longitude d_lattitude R_e Particle Propagation GPS Computing System Propagation flow control
Estimation unit GPS/INS Computing System clock reset New_Data_In Estimation_Ready Estimation Unit X[0..439] W[0..23] ESTIMATED_DATA [0..439]
Estimation unit GPS/INS Computing System W X Σ Estimated Data ×
GPS Computing System
Physical implementation GPS/INS Computing System Physical implementation of entire design was unsuccessful due to lack of FPGA resources. Therefore, only 1 of the 6 parallel “propagation unit” blocks was implemented.
Resources utilization GPS/INS Computing System Base design (Without our Logic) Base + Our design (Without trig Logic) Base + Full design (Including trig Logic)
Resources analysis GPS/INS Computing System A design with 6 prop units will need approximately: 130K combinational ALUTs (85K available). 162K logic registers (85.2K available). 20M block memory bits (8.25M available) DSP blocks (896 available). Possible FPGAs: Xilinx – Virtex6 / 7. Altera – Stratix 5 (possible).
Timing Analysis GPS/INS Computing System The implemented design of 1 prop unit produced: Particle LATENCY – 97 clock cycles (from “start” to = 1uSec:
Timing Analysis GPS/INS Computing System The implemented design of 1 prop unit produced: Throughput of 38 clock cycles (from “finish” to = 380nSec
Timing Analysis GPS/INS Computing System The total time with the implemented design of 1 prop unit produced was 30,000 particles in 1,140, MHz clocks = 11.4mSec. Note that the clock frequency of 100MHz was changed from the original plan of 30MHz, due to working with only one prop unit.
Accuracy results GPS/INS Computing System We have encountered many problems while trying to test our results: The “Generic program” for 1 FPGA did not work correctly – we were unable to control the inputs to the design. The “Generic program” for 4 FPGAs did not work as anticipated with the SW data files: o The SW data input files were arranged not according to the “bits order” agreed upon. o The program’s data output files did not reflect the output values from our design correctly.
Accuracy results GPS/INS Computing System We have made a manual accuracy check for one particle, by comparing the result as viewed with the “signal tap” tool to the SW result. For the tested particle, we got a location result which was different from the SW result by %: SW RESULTOUR RESUL
GPS Computing System
Group’s goals achievement GPS/INS Computing System Implementation of our design: PARTIAL - due to lack of FPGA resources. Design testing and integration: PARTIAL - due to problems with the testing environments and no cooperation from other design teams (which finished their project).
Our conclusion GPS/INS Computing System In terms of possibility – it seems that it is possible to implement the “Propagation” and “Estimation” stages of the project, within the necessary timing requirements, on a better, more powerful FPGA (without changing the design) For integration with other projects, it is important to have the project’s teams present. Otherwise, it can’t be done efficiently.