Summary of the Debate Protecting and promoting the rights of persons with disabilities in Europe: towards full participation, inclusion and empowerment Howard Leigh Rapporteur General
Principle plenary themes Day 1
Principle plenary themes – Day 1 We heard about the international/legal background from Maari, Oddny and Michael; and what disabled people think – from Pekka The practical steps taken by two Council Member States – at different stages of their development - to sign, ratify and implement the UN Convention
Principle plenary themes – Day 1 International and regional human rights instruments have produced a paradigm shift in the approach to disability
Principle plenary themes – Day 1 Human rights are for individuals Creation of a free and democratic society where these rights are respected and diversity celebrated Normality and abnormality?
Principle plenary themes – Day 1 Disability is a human rights issue. Disabled people are not objects of charity Disabled people have the same inalienable human rights as non-disabled people. They must be given the opportunities to exercise and enjoy those rights on the same basis as everyone else
Principle plenary themes – Day 1 There is an acknowledged gap between rhetoric and reality That gap must be closed through effective implementation and monitoring of the Council’s Disability Action Plan and ratification/implementation/monitoring of the UNCRPD
Principle plenary themes – Day 1 Issues that need specific attention – Respect for national domestic legal and political systems but some common themes emerging – Legal Capacity – Some groups do much worse than others, children with disabilities and people with mental health problems are two examples
Principle plenary themes – Day 1 Nothing about us without us Disabled people prime source of knowledge but with the necessary co-operation of others, national, regional and local levels
Principle plenary themes – Day 1 Understanding the changed environment – focus on human rights is therefore essential but is not sufficient to ensure change Practical changes to policies, practices and procedures required - mainstreaming Progressive implementation – but with care
The Workshops – Days 1 & 2 Brief Summaries
The Workshops – Day 1 Workshop 1 – Children with disabilities Basic message – law, policy, environment, attitudes, resource priority need to be tackled and examined Solutions – a rights based, planned & consultative approach involving children & their parents, proper setting of standards and training & with rigorous monitoring
The Workshops – Day 1 Workshop 2 – Women and girls with disabilities Basic message – women and girls experience multiple discrimination on grounds of gender and disability Solutions – awareness raising, attitudinal change; gender mainstreaming; action plans, consultations and budgets – focused on women and girls with disabilities
Workshops – Day 1 Workshop 3 – Ageing and Disability Basic message – Ageing and disability policies are to be understood separately and together Solutions - urgent need to understand population mobility issues; independent living; policy perspectives; definitions should European level; wide involvement of all stakeholders
Workshops – Day 2 Workshop 4 – Universal design/Accessibility Basic message – Full participation requires application of UD/D4A principles amongst all stakeholders Solutions – Legal framework, legislation, public procurement policy. Plan for UD/D4A from the outset – lowers costs/ensure sustainability!
Workshops – Day 2 Workshop 5 Mainstreaming – roles and responsibilities Basic Message: Clear national strategy – gaps and indicators; applies to all key policy areas, principles are human rights, participation of NGOs and non- discriminatory legislation; engagement with disabled people. Powerful impact of the two international disability rights instruments, States still developing solutions
Workshops – Day 2 Workshop 6 Quality of services and support Basic message - Quality services seen through a human rights approach Solutions – Resources for service providers is crucial question
A quotation to end with! (Michael Stein) “Will my child have friends”?