"LIFE WITH A DISABILITY“ Lesson Plan The following lesson may be used to promote sensitivity and understanding towards students with disabilities.
Warm-Up Read the definition of disability in the dictionary. ► Is it described in a positive, negative, or neutral way? ► How do you feel when you see someone in a wheelchair? ► What kinds of assumptions or judgments do you make about that person? ► If you had a friend in a wheelchair, would they be able to enter your house? List places that you can think of that aren't "handicap accessible."
Background Knowledge Ask students to write or tell their responses to these questions: ► What are some things you would have to stop doing if your were in a wheelchair today? ► What are some places you couldn't go to today? ► How would being in a wheelchair affect your attitude? ► How about your self-esteem?
Read the essay "LIFE WITH A DISABILITY" by Amber Junker I have a disability called spina bifida, which has prevented me from being able to walk; so I use a wheelchair to get me around. Being in a wheelchair isn't easy because I have a lot of things to deal with. It is not easy for me to go to a lot of places because they aren't handicapped-accessible, even though they may say they are. Some examples of places like that are restrooms in buildings such as hotels and restaurants; also state park hiking trails, showers, and restrooms. Having this disability has given me lots more than this to deal with. I have to deal with people as well. Some of them are more rude and inconsiderate to me than they would be to an able-bodied person, just because I'm handicapped. People think that just because I can't use my legs I can't use the rest of my body and they think I can't do as much as I can. I can do a lot -- just not as well as others. That is one way I differ from others. I can't do any sports that require using legs since I can't walk. That does not mean I can't enjoy sports. Aside from being disabled and in a wheelchair, I have a few of the same problems other teens my age have. Problems such as death and peer pressure. Other problems I don't have but I know are problems are violence, AIDS, drugs and alcohol, and gangs. Hopefully I won't have any of these problems in the future. Why death is a problem to me is because my dad died when I was 14 years old. Peer pressure comes along when I am with friends. I tend to pick on my little brother more often when my friends are around. I don't really mind my disability anymore. I have gotten used to it over the years. But I think people should get to know me better. Then they would be nicer because they would realize I'm really not a bad person. While it has not been easy to deal with my disability, luckily I have some really terrific friends. I don't know what I would do without them. They have been a big help. I think it helps that I have a positive attitude about myself, and also it helps that I am really so independent. This essay is reprinted from the book From Darkness to Light: Teens Write About How They Triumphed Over Trouble with permission of the publisher, Fairview Press.
Class Activity After students read the essay, invite them to write or discuss (as a class, or in small groups) their thoughts about these questions: ► What are some things that would change about you if you were in a wheelchair today? ► Could you be happy in a wheelchair? ► What is a disability that would be most difficult for you? ► Would your friends change? ► Why or why not?
Extension Activities ► Use the essays in From Darkness to Light to motivate students to think and to write about obstacles and challenges they've faced.