It’s happening now, what do I do?
Andrew Lee Director of People First Co-chair of the Learning Disability Coalition Member of the Disability Committee of the Equality and Human Rights Commission
Bullying This is the word that a lot of people with learning difficulties use to describe what the police call Disability-related hate incidents Disability-related hate crime.
Hate crime can happen anywhere When you are out and about When you are at home The person who does the crime might be someone you don’t know The person who does the crime might be someone you know
How many of you have been bullied? If you asked for help, did the people deny there was a problem? Did they tell you to go away?
Hate incidents or hate crimes? calling you names saying nasty things to you making fun of you spitting at you sending you nasty s or texts
Hate incidents and crimes Doing something sexual to you that you don’t want Hitting or pushing you Threatening to hurt you Threatening to kill you
Hate incidents and hate crimes People calling you names when they are standing very close to you? Stealing your things? Damaging your things?
The police have to decide What is a hate incident What is a hate crime
What is a disability hate crime?
What is a disability hate incident?
After an incident or crime, what did you do next?
We must work together to stop disability hate crime