Criminal Procedures Flowchart What happens when you get arrested
Process: From arrest to conviction Probable cause? Arrest warrant? Miranda rights Booking Preliminary hearing or Grand jury Plea & arraignment Plea agreement or trial Sentencing But this does NOT show all the decisions that have to be made and the choices or consequences of these decisions. For this reason we use a FLOWCHART to show all these decisions and consequences.
Flowcharts show steps in a process
Do you remember what the flowchart symbols mean?
Police, Courts & Corrections Someone reports or police witness a crime Is there probable cause? Arrest or arrest warrant Miranda warning Booking: fingerprints, photographs Is it a homicide? Nothing happens/ No arrest…go home!
NO: Charges dropped Preliminary hearing by judge Is it a homicide? Yes No Preliminary hearing by Grand Jury Is there enough evidence? YES: Charges filed (Grand jury indictment) Arraignment: Plea, Bail Plea: Guilty Sentencing Plea: Not Guilty
Arraignment: Plea, Bail Plea: Guilty Sentencing Plea: Not Guilty Has he been a good inmate? Is he repentant for his crime? Complete sentence in prison Early release from prison TRIAL Jury says: Not Guilty Free to go home! Jury says: Guilty