FFA Recruitment Materials
What is FFA? FFA is –Premier leadership –Personal Growth –Career Success through Agricultural Education !
Whatever! What does that mean? FFA is your ticket to many opportunities! –Travel –Competition –Friendships –Careers All of these great things are available to you, if you join the largest youth organization in the world… FFA!
Wow! Tell me more about it... You can meet lots of new and interesting people at FFA events… People from across the state… Across the nation… Or around the world! There is no limit to the places to go and people to meet through FFA!
Tell me more about the Travel... FFA offers tons of opportunities to travel… State FFA Convention - East Lansing, MI National FFA Convention - Louisville, KY Washington Leadership Conference - D.C. International Experiences - these & more! –Germany, Ireland and other European Countries –Russia, China and Japan –Costa Rica, Central & South America –Australia & New Zealand
Awesome! What about competition? FFA offers chances to hone your skills through a variety of events… Including, Along with many other areas... Career Development events (ag skills contests) –Horse Evaluation –Ag Sales and Service Leadership Contests –Public Speaking –Ag Forum –Demonstration
Can I really find a career through FFA? Sure! How about these… –Agricultural Educator –FFA Advisor –Marketing –Sales –Production Agriculture Find what you are interested in through trying out FFA opportunities
How do I join? Pay your dues and get your name on the roster! Dues are $10.00 –Good for one year –Includes both state and national dues –Includes the FFA New Horizons Magazine –Makes you eligible for all kinds of great things!