Levels of Thinking & Questioning
Costa’s Levels of Inquiry Create an analogy: Levels of thinking are like a _________ because ________________. Level Three – Application Answers Go Well Beyond the Text Apply, Evaluate, Hypothesize, Imagine, Judge, Predict, Speculate Level Two – Put the Knowledge Into Action Answers Can Be Inferred from the Text Analyze, Compare, Contrast, Group, Infer, Sequence, Synthesize Level One – Foundational Knowledge Answers Can Be Found in the Text Define, Describe, Identify, List, Name, Observe, Recite, Scan, Label
Costa’s Levels of Inquiry Think-pair-share: Write a question for each level using Tangled, Amazing Spiderman, or Hunger Games. Disney’s Frozen Level Three - Application Answers Go Well Beyond the Text How might Ana and Elsa be heroes for young girls? Apply, Evaluate, Hypothesize, Imagine, Judge, Predict, Speculate Level Two – Put the Knowledge Into Action Answers Can Be Inferred from the Text How does Ana’s understanding of love change throughout the movie? Analyze, Compare, Contrast, Group, Infer, Sequence, Synthesize Level One – Foundational Knowledge Answers Can Be Found in the Text What do Elsa and Ana look like? Define, Describe, Identify, List, Name, Observe, Recite, Scan, Label
Exit Slip Write a Level 2 question about Leuzinger High School.
Levels of Questioning: Review Level 1: Who are the people hiding with Anne Frank? Level 2: Compare how each character resolves their internal conflicts. Level 3: How would you feel and what would you do if you were in Anne Frank’s position?