By Paola García
Dana and Thomas were sitting and the table and eating their supper when a terrible storm began. They saw a flash of lightning, after a while they heard a very loud clap of thunder. Dana was afraid of storms, so she got very scared, and began to cry. Their mother said: “I will tell you the story of the two twin brothers who lived long, long ago when the world was brand new…”
Both were always together running through the plains and the mountains, but one day, two girls arrived to their town. One was always moving around and her skin was very soft, her name was Wind; the other was always crying, she was named Rain.
The idea of the story made the two children feel very happy, especially because they were twins too. “These two brothers were always fighting and arguing out who was the strongest, the fastest, or the most intelligent…” In this moment, a flash of lightning filled the kitchen with light, but Dana was too concentrated in the story to feel afraid.
-“People say that even in her womb they fought about who will be born first. Some time after the babies were born, they were named lightning and thunder. The first, Lightning because when he smiled, the valley was filled with light, the second, Thunder, because when he cried his voice could be heard from miles away.
Thunder and Lightning fell in love with Wind, but Wind didn’t like them, she wanted to be free and fly form one place to another. So she went away from the town, and began to fly through the entire world.
When Lightning and Thunder saw that she was gone they began to chase her; every time Lightning was about to catch her he laughed, and the sky got filled with light, running behind him, Thunder also tried to catch Wind, but Lightning was faster, this made Thunder very angry so he shouted…
What happened with them? Thomas asked. “Well, they are still running through the world”, Mamma answered. What happened with Rain?, Dana asked.
“Next time you see a storm count how many seconds there are between the flash of lightning and the clap of thunder and you will know how far they are from each other, maybe one night thunder reaches lightning.” Mamma said. “I don’t think so”, said Thomas, “Dana was born first, and she always beats me in the races.”
When the story was over, the storm was over too. Dana and Thomas were disappointed because Lightning and Thunder had gone to chase Wind somewhere far away. They will have to wait until the next storm.