Jean-François Méli For info: 0402 534 475 or
PUBLIC SPEAKING Glossophobia The word comes from the Greek glōssa, meaning tongue, and phobos, meaning fear or dread.
PUBLIC SPEAKING Global fears top ten: 1. Fear of public speaking or stage fright - Glossophobia 2. Fear of death and end of life - Necrophobia 3. Fear of spiders and other arachnids creatures - Arachnophobia 4. Fear of darkness and twilight - Achluophobia, Scotophobia or Myctophobia 5. Fear of heights, altitude or elevations - Acrophobia 6. Fear of people or social situations - Sociophobia 7. Fear of flying - Aerophobia 8. Fear of open spaces and squares - Agoraphobia 9. Fear of natural thunder and lightning - Brontophobia 10. Fear of confined spaces or small rooms - Claustrophobia
PUBLIC SPEAKING Why are people so afraid to get up in front of an audience and give a speech? Basically, people are afraid of being humiliated in front of others. Some may have negative experiences in the past, such as having been laughed at by the other kids in school when in front of the class. But, for most people, it’s the generalized fear that they are going to get up on stage and freeze. that people won’t like them.
PUBLIC SPEAKING Albert Mehrabian Currently Professor Emeritus of Psychology, UCLA), has become known best by his publications on the relative importance of verbal and nonverbal messages (.1971)
PUBLIC SPEAKING Verbal – 7% Alliteration – fear of failure, people power Catchphrases – “I have a dream” Humour Metaphors – “like a lamb to the slaughter, our team ran onto the field” Puns – “I like all the forest animals, even leeches” Quotations Rhyme – “do the crime and do the time” Triplets – “I was tired. I was cold and I was hungry”
PUBLIC SPEAKING Para-verbal – 38% Volume Pace/rate Inflection Tone Articulation Pause
PUBLIC SPEAKING Non-verbal – 55% Facial expression Eye contact Gestures Posture Dress and Grooming Presentation material
PUBLIC SPEAKING Non-Verbal Communication Studies show that during interpersonal communication 7% of the message is verbally communicated While 93% is non-verbally transmitted. Of the 93% non-verbal communication: 38% is through vocal tones 55% is through facial expressions We are educated to prefer words to communicate. Therefore, we can overlook non-verbal signals. Foot movements, voice variations, facial expressions are all forms of non-verbal communications that individuals send to each other. We may not verbally call someone stupid/dumb, but we may send the mess age non-verbally without realizing it. Body language is the oldest language. Often there is a discrepancy between someone's words and their physical actions. Confusion often occurs regarding what is heard or the message seems to be mixed. Usually in these instances, the verbal and non-verbal messages are in conflict. When in doubt experts say to trust the non-verbal message (what you see). Words can be manipulated, but gestures are harder to control
Your body language shapes who you are PUBLIC SPEAKING TALKS Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are FILMED JUN 2012 • POSTED OCT 2012 • TEDGlobal 2012
PUBLIC SPEAKING Managing Presentation Nerves (Coping With the Fear Within) Know Your Audience Know Your Material Structure Your Presentation Practice, Practice, Practice Prepare, Prepare, Prepare Calm Yourself from the Inside
PUBLIC SPEAKING In situations where there is incongruence between words and expression, That is, where the words do not match the facial expression, People tend to believe the expression they saw, not the words spoken.
Captivate your audience with your presentation PUBLIC SPEAKING Captivate your audience with your presentation Don’t put them to sleep