James Nachtwey Rebekah Satie
New York, Collapse of south tower of World Trade Center.
o In this photo it brings power to the viewer by knowing that it is 9/11. o The cross down in the lower right corner (is almost on the rule of thirds), can be seen as though, they won, because the darkness of the cross is very obvious and the smoke and debris is very eye-catching. It draws your focus off the church and on to the building behind it. It could be seen as though the bad won over the good this time. Knowing the history and the story behind the attack makes the photo more powerful.
New York, Ground Zero.
o The photographer is trying to show the devastating truth about what happened to the twin towers. This image is a perfect and scary image about what the wreckage looked like soon after the event happened. The viewers first thought it terrible, scary and sad. With all the debris on the ground and the smoke everywhere, the image is full of dark colours, like black and grey, which gives off a gloomy and depressing feel.
Heroin addicts
o This image is a heroin addict shooting up. It is a very moving photo, as it shows the unsterile state in which they shoot up in, this generally leads to infections and aids. You can see the state that the floor is in to the environment that they do it in, it being addicting they will go to any lengths to shoot up in. It’s black and white because it doesn’t show the emotion behind what is going on, it is just the truth. Using the shadows of the people, leaves the realness of the image, but by having the foot in the upper left hand corner shows that it is real.
About James o "I have been a witness, and these pictures are my testimony. The events I have recorded should not be forgotten and must not be repeated.”-James