Main Creek Water Quality Report Sandy Wingert UDWQ PRWC October 8,
Main Creek Water Quality Problem Deer Creek Reservoir was listed on Utah’s (d) list for failing to protects its cold water fishery designated use due to low dissolve oxygen (DO) and high water temperature. Approved 2002 TMDL determined that low DO levels in Deer Creek Reservoir were caused by high TP concentrations. Main Creek contributes 17 % TP load into the reservoir but only contributes 8 % of the flow. Main Creek was also added to (d) list for failing to protect its infrequent recreational use and cold water fishery due to elevated E. coli and water temperature. PRWC October 8, 20152
Utah Sensitive Species Leatherside Chub Bonneville Cutthroat Trout UPR Columbia Spotted Frog PRWC October 8, 20153
Wallsburg Coordinated Resource Management Plan – March 2007 Sponsored by NRCS Voluntary natural resource planning process to enhance resource management and resolve resource issues Locally led by Wasatch Conservation District Listed water conservation and quality as top two resource concerns PRWC October 8, 20154
Main Creek Restoration Video PRWC October 8, 20155
Main Creek Restoration Streambank restoration – lower water temperature and reduce E. coli & TP loading Streambanks – highly erodible due to lack of vegetation & direct access by livestock Lack of woody vegetation (shading) – higher instream temperature PRWC October 8, 20156
Main Creek Restoration- September 2013 Best Management Practices Included: Fencing Soil lifts Off-site watering Native vegetation planting Installation of hard structures (j hooks) Water gaps Riparian seeding PRWC October 8, 20157
Main Creek Restoration Over 4 river miles restoredOver 5 miles fenced built PRWC October 8, 20158
Main Creek Restoration Results Listed Assessment – 18% exceedance ( ) Temperature exceedances at 4% ( ) Main Creek is now considered to be fully supporting its cold water fishery use. It will be delisted in PRWC October 8, 20159
TP Concentration in Main Creek Over Time Slight decrease over time but concentrations are still above TMDL target of 0.03 mg/L PRWC October 8,
63% reduction in TP loading after Main Creek restoration efforts began PRWC October 8,
PRWC October 8,
PRWC October 8,
PRWC October 8,
E. coli Synoptic Monitoring Results PRWC October 8,
E. coli Synoptic Monitoring Results PRWC October 8,
E. coli Synoptic Monitoring Results PRWC October 8,
Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products Sampling – Aug 2015 Sampled 8 sites in the watershed Analyzed 39 compounds All samples came back non-detects except 1 Spring Creek in Wallsburg Carbamazepine – 7 ng/L Detection Limit – 5 ng/L MN Screening Value – 40 ug/L Sample 3 more times before fall 2016 PRWC October 8,
Main Creek Fisheries Data Population densities are 7 x higher ( ) PRWC October 8,
Main Creek Funding (through 2014) EntityFunding Amount NRCS (EQIP + CRMP)$516,422 UDWQ NPS$238,000 EPA Section 319$150,000 UDAF Seed Money Program$100,000 WRI$85,000 Landowners (In-kind)$57,527 PRWC $50,000 UT Reclamation & Mitigation$45,000 UGIP$25,874 UACD$10,000 Wasatch County$3,000 Wasatch CD$376 Total$1,281,199 PRWC October 8,
Next Steps Spring Creek Subwatershed Replace culvert at Mud Lane Streambank restoration Plantings along Spring Creek spring in Wallsburg Monitoring Water Quality Biological & physical (Aug 2015) PPCPs Fisheries PRWC October 8,