Sea Ice Mapping Systems Archive Browser Interface Distribution IngestProduction Ice Analyst Application Database Henrik Steen Anderson DMI Virtual System Architecture Henrik Steen Anderson
Virtual Ice Charting System Archive Browser Interface Distribution IngestProduction Ice Analyst Application Database Click on the boxes for more information
Ingest Data from different sources are ingested and made ready for further production, including formatting.
Ingest Production Production includes rectification, compositing (spectral, spatial and time), value adding, e.g. production of SST fields and SAR filtering.
Database The database is an online representation of data and products relevant for the ice analyst, e.g. images, old ice charts, wind fields etc. There may be one or several databases.
Archive Holds the offline data (Delete. This is cataloge. and product catalogue.????? )
Distribution Methods for distribution of data and products to end users.
Browser Interface An application enabling the user to browse the (metadata) database.
Ice Analysis Application Consists of two main modules: Ice analysis production Image display Vector overlay Vector editing Attribute entering Quality control Input of metadata Ice Chart Production Conversion to WMO nomenclature Chart production Egg tools Chart layout Projection
SIMS Architecture - Summary