Is Your Church Ready: To Defend the Faith Copyright Norman L. Geisler 2010
Are You Ready? To Defend the Faith
The Bible Says-- “Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” —1 Peter 3:15 “Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” —1 Peter 3:15
Outline:Outline: I. The ProblemI. The Problem II. The SolutionII. The Solution I. The ProblemI. The Problem II. The SolutionII. The Solution
I. The Problem
I. The Problem A. The Contrast
The Church Affirms The Culture Affirms
I. The Problem A. The Contrast The Church Affirms Truth Can be Known The Church Affirms Truth Can be Known The Culture Affirms Truth Can’t be Known The Culture Affirms Truth Can’t be Known
I. The Problem A. The Contrast The Church Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute The Church Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute The Culture Affirms Truth Can’t be Known Truth is Relative The Culture Affirms Truth Can’t be Known Truth is Relative
I. The Problem A. The Contrast The Church Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Not Every View is True The Church Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Not Every View is True The Culture Affirms Truth Can’t be Known Truth is Relative Every View is True The Culture Affirms Truth Can’t be Known Truth is Relative Every View is True
I. The Problem A. The Contrast The Church Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Not Every View is True Christ is the Only Way The Church Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Not Every View is True Christ is the Only Way The Culture Affirms Truth Can’t be Known Truth is Relative Every View is True Christ isn’t the Only Way The Culture Affirms Truth Can’t be Known Truth is Relative Every View is True Christ isn’t the Only Way
I. The Problem A. The Contrast The Church Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Not Every View is True Christ is the Only Way Miracles do Happen The Church Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Not Every View is True Christ is the Only Way Miracles do Happen The Culture Affirms Truth Can’t be Known Truth is Relative Every View is True Christ isn’t the Only Way Miracles don’t Happen The Culture Affirms Truth Can’t be Known Truth is Relative Every View is True Christ isn’t the Only Way Miracles don’t Happen
I. The Problem A. The Contrast The Church Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Not Every View is True Christ is the Only Way Miracles do Happen The Bible is Reliable The Church Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Not Every View is True Christ is the Only Way Miracles do Happen The Bible is Reliable The Culture Affirms Truth Can’t be Known Truth is Relative Every View is True Christ isn’t the Only Way Miracles don’t Happen The Bible isn’t Reliable The Culture Affirms Truth Can’t be Known Truth is Relative Every View is True Christ isn’t the Only Way Miracles don’t Happen The Bible isn’t Reliable
I. The Problem B. The Conclusion We are preaching: We are preaching:
I. The Problem B. The Conclusion We are preaching: We are preaching: A certain message in an uncertain age A certain message in an uncertain age We are preaching: We are preaching: A certain message in an uncertain age A certain message in an uncertain age
I. The Problem B. The Conclusion We are preaching: We are preaching: An absolute truth to a relativistic time An absolute truth to a relativistic time We are preaching: We are preaching: An absolute truth to a relativistic time An absolute truth to a relativistic time
I. The Problem B. The Conclusion We are preaching: We are preaching: An absolute truth to a relativistic time An absolute truth to a relativistic time An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context We are preaching: We are preaching: An absolute truth to a relativistic time An absolute truth to a relativistic time An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context
I. The Problem B. The Conclusion We are preaching: We are preaching: An absolute truth to a relativistic time An absolute truth to a relativistic time An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context A supernatural story in a naturalistic setting A supernatural story in a naturalistic setting We are preaching: We are preaching: An absolute truth to a relativistic time An absolute truth to a relativistic time An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context A supernatural story in a naturalistic setting A supernatural story in a naturalistic setting
I. The Problem B. The Conclusion We are preaching: We are preaching: An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context A supernatural story in a naturalistic setting A supernatural story in a naturalistic setting A biblical proclamation in an anti-biblical period A biblical proclamation in an anti-biblical period We are preaching: We are preaching: An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context A supernatural story in a naturalistic setting A supernatural story in a naturalistic setting A biblical proclamation in an anti-biblical period A biblical proclamation in an anti-biblical period
I. The Problem B. The Conclusion We are preaching: We are preaching: An absolute truth to a relativistic time An absolute truth to a relativistic time An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context A supernatural story in a naturalistic setting A supernatural story in a naturalistic setting A biblical proclamation in an anti-biblical period A biblical proclamation in an anti-biblical period In short: In short: Our message is a misfit with our milieu! Our message is a misfit with our milieu! We are preaching: We are preaching: An absolute truth to a relativistic time An absolute truth to a relativistic time An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context An exclusive claim in a pluralistic context A supernatural story in a naturalistic setting A supernatural story in a naturalistic setting A biblical proclamation in an anti-biblical period A biblical proclamation in an anti-biblical period In short: In short: Our message is a misfit with our milieu! Our message is a misfit with our milieu!
II. The Solution A. Two alternativesA. Two alternatives –1. Change the message to fit the milieu. –2. Change the milieu to fit the message. B. The right alternative: ApologeticsB. The right alternative: Apologetics We Must Defend the Truth to our Times We Must Defend the Truth to our Times “I am set for the defense of the gospel” (Phil. 1:17). “Know how you ought to answer each one” (Col. 4:6). “Give a reason for the hope within you” (1Pet. 3:15). “Contend for the Faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). A. Two alternativesA. Two alternatives –1. Change the message to fit the milieu. –2. Change the milieu to fit the message. B. The right alternative: ApologeticsB. The right alternative: Apologetics We Must Defend the Truth to our Times We Must Defend the Truth to our Times “I am set for the defense of the gospel” (Phil. 1:17). “Know how you ought to answer each one” (Col. 4:6). “Give a reason for the hope within you” (1Pet. 3:15). “Contend for the Faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).
II. The Solution We must defend:We must defend: –Realism--the knowability of truth We must defend:We must defend: –Realism--the knowability of truth
II. The Solution We must defend:We must defend: –Realism--the knowability of truth –Absolutism--the non-relativity of truth We must defend:We must defend: –Realism--the knowability of truth –Absolutism--the non-relativity of truth
II. The Solution We must defend:We must defend: –Realism--the knowability of truth –Absolutism--the non-relativity of truth –Exclusivism--the exclusivity of truth We must defend:We must defend: –Realism--the knowability of truth –Absolutism--the non-relativity of truth –Exclusivism--the exclusivity of truth
II. The Solution We must defend:We must defend: –Realism--the knowability of truth –Absolutism--the non-relativity of truth –Exclusivism--the exclusivity of truth –Supernaturalism--the possibility of miracles We must defend:We must defend: –Realism--the knowability of truth –Absolutism--the non-relativity of truth –Exclusivism--the exclusivity of truth –Supernaturalism--the possibility of miracles
II. The Solution We must defend:We must defend: –Realism--the knowability of truth –Absolutism--the non-relativity of truth –Exclusivism--the exclusivity of truth –Supernaturalism--the possibility of miracles –Biblicism--the reliability of the Bible We must defend:We must defend: –Realism--the knowability of truth –Absolutism--the non-relativity of truth –Exclusivism--the exclusivity of truth –Supernaturalism--the possibility of miracles –Biblicism--the reliability of the Bible
II. The Solution We must defend:We must defend: –Realism--the knowability of truth –Absolutism--the non-relativity of truth –Exclusivism--the exclusivity of truth –Supernaturalism--the possibility of miracles –Biblicism--the reliability of the Bible We must defend:We must defend: –Realism--the knowability of truth –Absolutism--the non-relativity of truth –Exclusivism--the exclusivity of truth –Supernaturalism--the possibility of miracles –Biblicism--the reliability of the Bible
The Outline: A. What is Truth?A. What is Truth? B. Can Truth be Known?B. Can Truth be Known? C. Can All Views be True?C. Can All Views be True? D. Which View is True?D. Which View is True? A. What is Truth?A. What is Truth? B. Can Truth be Known?B. Can Truth be Known? C. Can All Views be True?C. Can All Views be True? D. Which View is True?D. Which View is True?
What is Truth?
What is Truth? Truth is what: -Tells it like it is What is Truth? Truth is what: -Tells it like it is
What is Truth? Truth is what: -Tells it like it is -Corresponds to the facts What is Truth? Truth is what: -Tells it like it is -Corresponds to the facts
What is Truth? Truth is what: -Tells it like it is -Corresponds to the facts -Matches its object What is Truth? Truth is what: -Tells it like it is -Corresponds to the facts -Matches its object
A true statement matches its object “This object is a table.”
What is False? False is what does not: -Tell it like it is What is False? False is what does not: -Tell it like it is
What is False? False is what does not: -Tell it like it is -Correspond to the facts What is False? False is what does not: -Tell it like it is -Correspond to the facts
What is False? False is what does not: -Tell it like it is -Correspond to the facts -Match its object What is False? False is what does not: -Tell it like it is -Correspond to the facts -Match its object
How Do We Know? Because i t is Self-defeating to Deny It “I can’t speak a word in English.” Isn’t that in English?” Isn’t that in English?”
“Truth is not telling like it is!” Is Truth Telling it like it is? “Isn’t that telling it like it is?”
“No one knows the truth!” Can We Know the Truth? “Then how do you know that is true?”
“There is no absolute truth!” IS Truth Absolute? “Is that absolutely true?”
Is Truth Absolute? “It’s true for you but not for me!” “Is that just true for you but not for me?”
We Demand Absolute Truth in-- Safety
We Demand Absolute Truth in-- Safety Money
We Demand Absolute Truth in-- Safety Money Medicine
We Demand Absolute Truth in-- Safety Money Medicine Advertising
We Demand Absolute Truth in-- Safety Money Medicine Advertising Relationships
We Demand Absolute Truth in-- Safety Money Medicine Advertising Relationships
We Demand Absolute Truth in-- Safety Money Medicine Advertising Relationships Court Proceedings
We Demand Absolute Truth in-- Safety Money Medicine Advertising Relationships Court Proceedings So why not in what matters forever?
Are All Views True? The Pluralists claim they are.The Pluralists claim they are. Consider the elephant story:Consider the elephant story:
Are All These Vews True?
Except the one with his eyes open to the truth! And the absolute truth is: This is an elephant!
All Religions Can’t Be True: They Teach Opposites Islam with Christianity Let’s contrast:
ISLAM GOD: Only one person ISLAM GOD: Only one person CHRISTIANITY GOD: 3 persons in one God CHRISTIANITY GOD: 3 persons in one God HUMANITY: Sinful by nature HUMANITY: Good by nature JESUS: Merely a man, not God. DEATH OF CHRIST: He didn’t die or rise again SALVATION: By works when good deeds outweigh bad ones JESUS: More than a man; He was also God. DEATH OF CHRIST: He died and rose again in same body SALVATION: Not by works but is a free gift of God for all who believe BIBLE: Corrupted BIBLE: Not corrupted
How to Tell a Counterfeit Not by superficial similarities But by crucial differences How to Tell a Counterfeit Not by superficial similarities But by crucial differences
Yes. So do a counterfeit and a genuine $20 Bill. 1) Both are paper. 2) Both are rectangular. 3) Both have a “20” on them. But one is a counterfeit! Yes. So do a counterfeit and a genuine $20 Bill. 1) Both are paper. 2) Both are rectangular. 3) Both have a “20” on them. But one is a counterfeit! But Don’t They Have Things in Common?
“Opposites can both be true.” Opposites Can’t Both be True “Is the opposite of that true?”
Opposite ideas cannot both be true at the same time and in the same sense. Opposite ideas cannot both be true at the same time and in the same sense. The Opposite of True is False (The Law of Non-Contradiction) The Opposite of True is False (The Law of Non-Contradiction) The Earth is Round The Earth is not Round
Sure-Fire Way to Convince a Skeptic! “Anyone who denies the law of non-contradiction should be beaten and burned until he admits that to be beaten is not the same as not to be beaten, and to be burned is not the same as not to be burned.” (Avicenna, Great Muslim Philosopher) Sure-Fire Way to Convince a Skeptic! “Anyone who denies the law of non-contradiction should be beaten and burned until he admits that to be beaten is not the same as not to be beaten, and to be burned is not the same as not to be burned.” (Avicenna, Great Muslim Philosopher)
1. All truth claims are absolute, narrow and exclusive. (Even the pluralist claim that “Every religion is true” is an exclusive claim since it excludes its opposite.) The Truth About Truth
2. Truth is discovered, not invented. It exists independently of anyone’s knowledge of it. (Gravity existed prior to Newton.) The Truth About Truth
3. Beliefs can not change a fact, no matter how sincerely they are held. (I can sincerely believe the world is flat but that only makes me sincerely wrong.) The Truth About Truth
3. Beliefs can not change a fact, no matter how sincerely they are held. (I can sincerely believe the world is flat but that only makes me sincerely wrong.) The Truth About Truth 4. Truth is trans-cultural (2+2=4 here, there, and everywhere).
5. Being raised in a given culture doesn’t make their beliefs true. 5. Being raised in a given culture doesn’t make their beliefs true. The Truth About Truth
5. Being raised in a given culture doesn’t make their beliefs true. a) Being raised a Nazi doesn’t make Nazism true. 5. Being raised in a given culture doesn’t make their beliefs true. a) Being raised a Nazi doesn’t make Nazism true. The Truth About Truth
5. Being raised in a given culture doesn’t make their beliefs true. a) Being raised a Nazi doesn’t make Nazism true. b) Being raised a racist does make racism true. 5. Being raised in a given culture doesn’t make their beliefs true. a) Being raised a Nazi doesn’t make Nazism true. b) Being raised a racist does make racism true. The Truth About Truth
6. One’s Attitude Doesn’t Change the Truth 6. One’s Attitude Doesn’t Change the Truth
The Truth About Truth 6. One’s Attitude Doesn’t Change the Truth a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. 6. One’s Attitude Doesn’t Change the Truth a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error.
The Truth About Truth 6. One’s Attitude Doesn’t Change the Truth a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. b) A good attitude about error does not make it true. b) A good attitude about error does not make it true. 6. One’s Attitude Doesn’t Change the Truth a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. b) A good attitude about error does not make it true. b) A good attitude about error does not make it true.
7. Contrary beliefs are possible, but contrary truths are not possible. The Truth About Truth
7. Contrary beliefs are possible, but contrary truths are not possible. 8. You can believe everything is true, but everything can’t be true. The Truth About Truth
7. Contrary beliefs are possible, but contrary truths are not possible. 8. You can believe everything is true, but everything can’t be true. 9. Truth is determined by facts, not by beliefs. The Truth About Truth
1.Can all religions be true? No, they teach opposites! And opposites can’t both be true. 2.Do other religions have some truth? Yes, but since the opposite of true is false, if one religion is true, then all opposing beliefs in other religions are false. 3.Can one religion be true: Yes, if we take off our blinders and see which religion corresponds to reality. 1.Can all religions be true? No, they teach opposites! And opposites can’t both be true. 2.Do other religions have some truth? Yes, but since the opposite of true is false, if one religion is true, then all opposing beliefs in other religions are false. 3.Can one religion be true: Yes, if we take off our blinders and see which religion corresponds to reality. Summary
Is There Really Only
Look at the Facts Jesus claimed itJesus claimed it Jesus proved ItJesus proved It Jesus claimed itJesus claimed it Jesus proved ItJesus proved It
Jesus Claimed It John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 10:1,9: “I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber…. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.” John 10:1,9: “I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber…. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.” John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 10:1,9: “I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber…. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.” John 10:1,9: “I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber…. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.”
His Disciples Affirmed It Acts 4:12: “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” 1Tim 2:5: “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus….” Acts 4:12: “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” 1Tim 2:5: “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus….”
1. Fulfilling P rophecies 2. Living a Sinless and Miraculous Life 3. His Death and Resurrection No other religious leader did this! 1. Fulfilling P rophecies 2. Living a Sinless and Miraculous Life 3. His Death and Resurrection No other religious leader did this! Jesus Proved It By:
MUHAMMAD Not Virgin Born MUHAMMAD Not Virgin Born JESUS Virgin Born JESUS Virgin Born Sinless Not Sinless Not Messiah Called Messiah Did Miracles No Miracles Body in Grave Body in Heaven ACCORDING TO ISLAM
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