January LEReC Review 12 – 13 January 2015 Low Energy RHIC electron Cooling Kerry Mirabella Cost, Schedule, Personnel
January Outline Since the July 2014 review Cost by WBS Contingency by WBS Major Procurements High Priority Items How LEReC will be controlled –Monthly status –Milestones Risk Summary 2
January Since the July 2014 Review July - DOE review August – subsystem leads estimate contingency by task September –Resource loaded schedule completed –Contractor and Deputy Project Manager are assigned to charge the project (or % of time increased?) –List of High Priority Items* submitted –New AIP – RHIC Accelerator Design Infrastructure Upgrade (RADTIU) proposed November - High Priority Items & RADTIU approved December - New Project Controls personnel (Khianne Williams) begins work 3 * Equipment to be installed during the FY15 RHIC shutdown.
January Costs by WBS 4
January Contingency estimates by WBS 5
January Resources 6 Total hours = C-AD hours = % of the labor is within the C-A department.
January Major Procurements 7
January High Priority Items 8
January Assumptions for cost and schedule The following assumptions were made within the schedule. –LEReC is fully approved by Feb –RHIC does not run at all in FY17, in the other FYs RHIC shuts down 7/31 each year and restarts 12/1 each year. The cost and the funding plan shown in the Execution plan is based on the above. Changes to the assumptions or funding plan may change the cost, schedule and milestones. 9
January Project Schedule 10 There are currently over 1400 lines in the schedule, and 9 months of float from the planned early finish date to the Project Complete reporting milestone in 3QFY18.
January Critical path 11 The compensating solenoids are the current critical path. Funds were committed on Dec 23 rd when Purchasing received our requisition, specs and statement of work. It went out for bid on Dec 29 th.
January Critical Tasks 12
January Project Status 13 status requests in excel put the schedule in everyone’s hands each month. Highlighted cells point out the info needed now.
January Communication and Reporting Plan Alexei Fedotov, CPM, leads weekly meetings with the LEReC team to discuss progress, risks and concerns. Cost/schedule/status will be reviewed monthly and reported to ONP via and discussed in detail during monthly telecons. The standard BNL accounting system will be the basis for collecting cost data. The CPM will lead quarterly overall cost, schedule and technical performance reviews and report the results to the ONP. ONP may, at their discretion, conduct progress reviews with a committee of experts. Technical performance will be monitored throughout the project to insure conformance to approved functional requirements. Design reviews and performance testing of the completed systems will be used to ensure that the equipment meets the functional requirements. Schedule performance will be monitored via milestones. 14
January Milestones for reporting progress 15
January Milestones for us 16 There are 9 months of float from the early finish date to the Project Complete date.
January Risk 17
January Summary KPPs/UPPs are defined and understood. Risks have been identified and are being addressed. The major risk to the project is the performance of the SRF gun, and as mitigation, a parallel effort (off project) with Cornell for a DC gun is in progress. Contingency is at 26.1%. The schedule will continuously evolve and be statused. A dedicated team of people has been assigned to the project. 18