Custom Digests on
Creating a Custom Digest on Most Cited Cases link: Retrieves the list of cases most often cited for a point of law (headnote) classified within the Key Number System. Can help you quickly determine which cases have been cited often as legal authority for that point of law. Displays KeyCite ® flags in results.
Creating a Custom Digest on Access by clicking the Most Cited Cases link following a relevant key numbers in an online case.
Creating a Custom Digest on You can choose to order results by “Most Recent Cases” or by “Most Cited Cases.” You choose a database. You can add search terms to customize your result.
You then create a single document, similar to the print digests, but with digest paragraphs (headnotes) assigned to the key number listed in descending order of the number of times each case was cited for that point of law or in reverse chronological order. The digest paragraphs link to the full text cases.