Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherima Wild.) Pot ( Christmas Tree) Point of interest color of bract
Tip of a leaf short day condition become red pink yellow (depend on varieties) Stem : cylindric, have with latex Leaf : ellips, sdkt bersudut, length 10-21cm Local : shape of leaf egg round Import : varieties Bract not a part of flower Flower appear on tip of plant with Short Day Condition Flower structure (cyathium) surrounding of bract Function : decoration, indoor plant, Short Day pot plant
Altitude 400 – 1100 m dpl, many type of soil with well drained and aeration, pH 5.5 – 6.5, temperature C. for vegetative growth require full light for flowering SD treatment Growth condition required Propagation Seed, media, planting, pinching, fertilize and nutrition, flowering, Growth regulator, handling pest and disease.
sturdy, not heavy, elastic Mini Poinsetia Ø pot 10 cm ( 1 plant ) Pinching Ø pot 15 cm Ø pot 20 cm ( for 5 plant) Before planting watering media dense & wet spreadly Soil / alternative media cheap, easy to get it, and not heavy. Peat moss, charcoal, cocopeat ( 4 :4: 1) well drained and moisture Media Pot
Seed and Stock Plant Breeding from abroad. Propagation must have license from breeder need to buy mother plant each of cutting charge royalty from breeder. Stock plant must free from disease and insect. Good stem and no initiation. shoot cutting is better than stem cutting. Internode 1 – 1.50 cm Bad seedling shoot compactless, berjauhan, kurang rimbun Cutting on early morning fresh cut 7 cm, Ø 0.5 cm, + rootone F planting before sun light. Root zone give it insect screen and shading net keeping moisture at 90 – 100 % (+ sprinkle above), intensity reduced 50%, complete with lamp for adding fotoperiode on night. Intensity fc, T 21 o C, callus 12 days, root 16 – 20 days
Seed planting as same as type of plant Basket ( tajuk lebar ) 5 seedling / pot, tinggi should have same not efficien 1 seedling/pot have already rooted can choosen tinggi yang seragam, probability of life is bigger. If there is no root yet pinching plant in the middle of pot SDP bakal bunga terbentuk, light < 12 hours. Indonesia 12 hours/day to prevent pembentukan bakal bunga plant should give more light on night, 2 hours (long day depends on length of plant yang diharapkan) at the early of cutting until bract terbentuk Ex : length of plant 30 – 35 cm ( LD) ± 75 – 90 days after cutting begin SD Fotoperiode
At the beginning of SD 40 days bract will be appear More long time on SD increase number of leave For make the colour of leaves bright blackout – covered by black plastic ( for merangsang appear of bract After changing open blackout for intensity >>> for changing colour PINCHING Reduced dense leaf Increase amount of cyanthium ( rumpun bunga) selera consumen of Indonesia Bright the colour of bract. The way : Axillary shoots should be pinched ( axillary shoots on tip of stem) Expectation 5 – 6 cyanthium surrounding bract (5-6 beneath leaf ) Plant ready to pinch at 20 – 30 days Late pinching can make far away shoot and late growth
Growth regulator & retardan GA3 50 – 100 ppm stimulating shoot growth Paclobutrazol inhibitor of biosintesa giberelin & shorter node of stem poinsetia ( inhibitor of oxidation kaurene kaurenoic acid - Paclobutrazol easy to dissolved water foliar spray ( translocation xylem – phloem) - After shoot 2 -3 cm 2-3 x / week until blacout time, concentration ppm
Watering and Fertilizing Need macro for active growth If N less necessary carbohydrate changing become fat and pati for metabolit seccondary symptom : Leaf appear colour pale green / yellow, small and shorter plant Watering early active phase : Rooting phase watering for keep moisture and aeration arround plant 16 – 20 days sprinkler Watering active period – sell to market drip irrigation Efficient and quickly provided water pot Ø 20 cm < ± 100 – 150 cc / day
Blackout treatment Function : to stimulating red colour of leaf (bract) With plastic-covered make curve ( R ± 1m) Covered with black plastic tight make plastic easy to open- close
Pest and Disease Handling Attack root zone, stem, and leaves Solution : keep clean media and nursery White fly (Bemisia tabact Genn), aphids, thrips, and red spider White fly make color of leaves are black, produce embun madu debu menempel Thrips and red spider sucker leaves water until dried Disease : caused dumping off Thielaviopsis basicola root become black, yellow leaves fall Rhizoctonia solani, Botrythis cinerea and Erwinia carotovora Fisiologis disease leave fall because Nitrogen defficiency. Low Absorb of N because root not support. Defficiency of Mg tip of leaf yellowing and fall
Harvest and Postharvest Harvest between plant, media and pot compact Height 30 – 40 cm from bottom of pot, leaves has already changing become red ( bract appear) at least 3-4 leaves, beautiful shape, and dense it’s depend on consumer Spray it, cleaned pot, and put it into plastic box or container ready to Market