Bell Ringer – Pick up off the chair. Sit down quietly & begin to work. Journal: When Alan broke his arm, The doctor prescribed a painkiller. Even after the pain stopped, Alan continued to take the medication. Is he abusing the drug? Why or why not? Worksheet : “Be Careful” (on back of Journal)
Bathroom & Water break
Illegal Drugs SOL: 6.1d, 6.2d, 6.4c
Illegal Drugs Definition: Drugs that are made and used purely for their effects. Anyone who is caught making, selling, or using illegal drugs can be arrested. Using illegal drugs can damage your health and can cause DEATH.
Marijuana Definition: illegal drug that comes from the hemp plant. AKA: Pot or Weed Usually smoked Increases your HR & Decreases your energy. Interferes with memory & concentration. Can cause Brain Damage.
Inhalants Definition: substances whose fumes or vapors are inhaled, or breathed in. Examples: lighter fluids, cleaning products, paint, ???? Damages Brain Cells
Stimulants Definition: Drugs that speed up the body’s function. Examples: Cocaine Highly addictive Effects are unpredictable & very dangerous Inhaled or injected
Anabolic Steroids Definition: Synthetic drugs based on a male hormone. Used by athletes to increase weight & strength. Users become Violent & Depressed.
Narcotics Definition: Strong drugs that relieve pain. Some narcotics are prescribed for pain Example: heroin
Hallucinogens Definition: illegal drugs that cause the user’s brain to create or distort images and to see and hear things that aren’t real. Examples: PCP & LSD Lead to Strange or Violent behaviors. Long Term use=Brain Damage.
Drug Abuse Definition: use of any drug in a way that is unhealthy or illegal.
Overdose Definition: taking a fatal amount of a drug
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Alternatives to Drug Use: Be part of a group. Improve your talents or skills. Start your own business (ex. Babysitting) Other IDEAS?
Drug rehabilitation Definition: a process in which a person relearns how to live without the abused drug.
Refusal Strategies Say “no” Give a Reason Suggest an Alternative Change the Subject Challenge the Challenger Leave the Situation
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Video Safari Montage Steroids