Realize. It starts with you. The Operating Grant and Shifting Patterns of Student Demand Implications for Academic Planning Thomas Chase Provost and Vice-President (Academic) University of Regina Senate 3 June 2015
Credit Hours taught, by Faculty (excluding CCE teaching) 2
University Expenses Operating Budget ($m) 4
University Revenue Operating Budget ($m) 5
Operating grant: historic % increases 6 Annual Percentage Increase
The New Normal? If 2% or less annual increase in the operating grant is the “new normal,” what are the implications for our operations? 7
8 Tuition increases Undergraduate tuition rates rise by 3.8%, same as Graduate tuition increases vary from 0% to 3.9%. Average overall increase is 3.59%. For an Arts student taking a 4-course load, tuition will be $87 higher than last fall. In , U of R Arts students paid tuition and fees less than at 41 of 59 English-language Canadian universities. Tuition and fees will fund 36% of the operating budget. Tuition/fee rate increases provide $2.0m additional revenue. Scholarship expenditures will increase by $1.23m, returning 61% of tuition/fee increases.
Notable items Searches approved for 8 faculty positions plus continued recruitment for Nursing Student financial assistance increase includes $550k more for PhD scholarships Other new support for research activities exceeds $1.2m Executive Lead for Indigenization and Director of Alumni Affairs are now base-funded Library acquisitions budget maintained CCE targeted to contribute over $7.8m to the operating budgets of other units, an increase of $500k $1.5m savings to be achieved in admin units and central services 9
Tenure-track appointments 10 YearNumber
Term appointments 11 YearNumber
Sessionals 12 YearNumber 2013 – – – – – – – – – –
Opportunities and challenges Student recruitment and retention – academic advising changes, threshold course support for students, new residences, etc. New programs, markets, revenue sources – mid-career, professional, partial-degree learners Revitalization and revision of older programs, structures Cost control and efficiencies (e.g., Print Optimization) 13
Thank You All budget materials and presentations available online budget.html Comments welcome at 14