LOBBYING DOS AND DON’TS (OR CANS AND CAN’TS) Genesee Adkins UW Director of State Relations January 7, 2015
Yes, you can: Engage in the political process as a private individual using private resources Educate elected officials and state government leaders on a policy issue or serve as an “expert” on a policy Respond to direct legislative requests for information Directly lobby a legislator (or executive) as a UW employee using UW resources as long as you report it. Direct lobbying typically means asking for something (bill, money, etc.) or asking them not to specifically do something (vote no on bill xx, don’t sunset yy fee) Lobby a legislator on a personal topic using your UW affiliation as long as you lobby on your own time and state you are speaking for yourself and not the University
No, you can’t: Engage in grassroots lobbying as a UW employee using UW resources. Grassroots lobbying is typically includes a “call to action” Participate in political campaigns during work hours or donate to campaigns using public funds Work to pass or defeat a ballot initiative using UW time or resources
SOME GOOD ADVICE Use common sense When in doubt, ask Don’t panic
2015 UW State Legislative Agenda Genesee Adkins UW Director of State Relations January 7, 2015
2015 Session At a Glance 105-day session, including the major biennial budget work Session begins January 12 th and concludes April 26 th Next state revenue forecast expected around March 18 th Stronger Senate Majority Coalition Caucus: now (or 26-23) Narrower Democratic House majority: now 51-47
Current Outlook: Opportunities, Challenges Very serious financial challenges: –McCleary ruling, Legislature held in contempt –Class size initiative I-1351 –Collective bargaining agreements for state employees Economy recovering but not enough to fund all issues Divided government continues, Governor entering re-election mode Continued tension around new revenue vs. reducing spending
UW 2015 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA Fund public higher education to maintain tuition freeze Six public 4-year institutions requesting $198 million for Rapidly Increase Health Care Access for All Double the class size in our WWAMI and RIDE programs Keep UW Affordable Fully fund the State Need Grant & College Bound Scholarships Other Key Investments: CSE Building Life Sciences Building UWT Urban Solutions Center School of Nursing Simulation Lab Research Vessel Barnes
Please and Thank you: Fill out the bill tracker Get your fiscal notes in on time Be a problem solver – Understand we’re all on one team If you are lead on a major bill or issue, provide day and evening contact information so we can get a hold of you If you need me and I’m unresponsive, don’t panic – call Patrick or Marissa!
QUESTIONS? Contact info: