Transformational development Long-term Holistic
Start up phase PRA / AI Planning Results in Design Document
X XX X X X X X X X X X X X In South Africa, we work here…
Sekororo Economic development Health Agriculture and livestock Education Water and sanitation
Report on Progress Monitor Progress Implement plans Write proposal Plan interventions Identify Problems and Opportunities Assessment via RFSA FST’s role
Where do the poor get food? SharingInsignificant African merogo from mountains2/10 Piece jobs with food for payInsignificant Buying food3/10 Hunting1/10 Growing food4/10
What limits the amount of food grown? Water2/10 Skills1/10 Lack of implements and tractor2/10 Poor soils and soil- fertility2/10 Land shortageInsignificant Livestock damage2/10 Seeds1/10