Weed Management in Vegetables Why should we managed weed? What problems do weeds cause?
Weed classification Three general groups 1- Grasses: Annual bluegrass - Poa annua Barnyardgrass - Echinochloa Crusgalli Bermudagrass - Cynodon dactylon Johnsongrass - Sorghum halapense
Sedges Yellow Nutsedge – Cyperus esculentus
Broadleaf weeds Alkali mallowSida hederacea Annual sowthistleSonchus oleracus Black mustardBrassica nigra Burning nettleUrtica urens ChickweedStellaria media Common groundselSenecio vulgaris Common knotweedPolygonum aviculare Common purslanePortulaca oleracea Curly dock Rumex crispus
FilareeErodium sp. Large crabgrass - Digitaria sanguinalis London rocket - Sisymbrium irio Lambsquarter - Chenopodium album Malva - Malva spp. Black nightshade - Solanum nigrum Pigweed - Amaranthus retroflexus Prickly lettuce - Lactuca serriola Puncture vine - Tribulus terrestris Scarlet pimpernel - Anagallis arvensis Shepherds purse - Capsella bursa-pastoris Wild radish - Raphanus sativus Yellow mustard - Brassica campestris
Weed and life cycles Table 7.2 on page 131.
Control Methods Mechanical Management Practices Chemical
Mechanical Control Pre Planting Plowing Rotaty Hoeing Post Planting Cultivating Hand Machine What to consider when Cultivating depth
Cultivating & its Effects Aeration Moisture conservation Increased organic matter Compaction less or more? Temperature less or more?
Cultivation Implements & Tools Tractor size Types of sweeps Spiders ?
Management Practices Crop Rotation Mulching Organic Synthetic Biological Controls Post Harvest care of the field
Chemical Control Herbicides When did they really take off in agriculture? Preplant – applied before crop is planted and incorporated into the soil.. Preemergent – applied to soil surface after crop is planted. Post emergent – applied after emergence of the crop.
Methods of Application Broadcast treatment - (solid area in liquid or granular form) Foliar treatment – Spray directly on leaves. Band treatment – Narrow stripe are treated.
Are Herbicides Cost Effective? One must consider the following factors when determining the cost effectiveness of herbicides: Rate & timeliness of application Soil type Cultural practices Weather conditions Type of crop Weed species Cost of matterial