Civil Procedure Allocation
Allocation Questionnaire Form N150 PD262.2 parties should co-operate in completing the allocation questionnaire - PD will be served when defence(s) filed 26.3(2) “return day” which will be at least 14 days after service (26.3(6). cannot be varied be agreement (26.3(7).
Allocation Questionnaire PD – if neither party files 3 days/ struck out only one party files the court can (a) allocate or if there is insufficient information (b) order an allocation hearing make the party in default pay the costs thereof court could also order an allocation hearing of its own motion (26.5(4) 7 days notice (PD )
The Tracks Small Claims Track (CPR 27) normal track for claims with a financial value of not more than £5,000 or if it is a PI claim, if the claim for “damages for personal injuries”, (ie: pain suffering and loss of amenity 26.6(2) is not more than £1,000. Special rules about housing disrepair claims
The Tracks Small Claims Track (CPR 27) hearings “will be informal”(27.8(2) strict rules of evidence do not apply (27.8(3) lay representatives allowed (PD27.3)
The Tracks Small Claims Track (CPR 27) No costs apart from fixed costs on commencement of a claim (see Table 1 in Part 45) allocation fee if paid (there isn’t one on claims £1000>) witness expenses or lost earnings costs “to be paid by a party who has behaved unreasonably” (27.14(2) (d)
The Tracks Small Claims Track (CPR 27) fabricating a defence (Martin v Sherwood 9/6/95) Failing to remedy substantial defects in particulars when ordered to do so (Hayes v Airtour Holidays Ltd (costs) [2001] CL 436 Stating in a defence that a key document exists then not producing it at the hearing (Snow v Price CC [2003] CL March 59
The Tracks Fast Track (CPR 28) Cases -for which the small claims track is not the normal track and which have a financial value of not less than £15,000 - where the trial is likely to last no longer than one day (could order a split trial PD26.9.1(c) - where oral expert evidence is limited to one expert per party per field and no more than 2 fields are cases for which the Fast Track is the normal track.
The Tracks Fast Track (CPR 28) standard directions designed to progress matters to trial in 30 weeks (PD and the appendix to PD28) can be varied
The Tracks Multi Track (CPR 29) Claims for which the other tracks are not normal (26.6(7) court will usually arrange a case management conference or pre-trial review or both to agree directions (29.2(1) parties should co-operate esp. re. costs court could make a “prospective costs cap order” – see Leigh v Michelin Tyre plc [2003] EWCA Civ 1766 and the White Book commentary at 3.1.8
Pre Trial Checklists On fast (28.5 and PD28.6)and multi (29.6 and PD29.8) tracks – used to ensure directions complied with and arrange date for trial. Should exchange (PD28.6.1(4), PD29.8.1(5). If neither party returns – 3 days/struck out(PD28.6.5(1), PD29.8.3(1) If some don’t – directions or trial date fixed (PD28.6.5(2) – could hold a listing hearing on multi track (PD29.8.5) Trial unlikely to be moved PD (1), (PD29.7.4(6)
Other Relevant matters CPR 26.8 financial value remedy sought complexity number of parties or likely parties value/complexity of any counterclaim or other Part 20 claim (PD26.7.7) oral evidence the importance of the claim to persons who are not parties to the proceedings views expressed by the parties circumstances of the parties
Other Relevant matters 26.8(2) financial value will disregard (a)any amount not in dispute (b)any claim for interest (c)costs (d)any contributory negligence.