Apache Hadoop Daniel Lust, Anthony Taliercio
What is Apache Hadoop? Allows applications to utilize thousands of nodes while exchanging thousands of terabytes of data to complete a task Supports distributed applications under a free license Used by many popular companies Such as: Facebook, Twitter, Ebay, IBM, Apple, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, and many others…
Continued… Written in Java Scales well Can be used with thousands of nodes Can be used with just a few nodes and inexpensive hardware Your average Hadoop cluster will consist of two major parts A single master node and multiple working nodes. The master node is made up of four parts: the Job Tracker, Task Tracker, NameNode, and DataNode. A worker node, which is also known as a slave node, can either be a DataNode and TaskTracker or just one of the two.
Overview Of Hadoop - Hadoop uses whats called an HDFS Hadoop Distributed File System HDFS takes files and splits them across the network redundantly in a cluster The redundancy to eliminate possible data loss
MapReduce Software wrote by google to process massive amounts of unstructured data in a parallel process across a distributed cluster of processors
MapReduce. Offers a clean abstraction between data analysis tasks, organizing the jobs Issued by the HDFS, so no jobs are unnecessarily repeated. - If one of them fail, a node may point to a different node to complete the task
Running Hadoop First run of Hadoop on Master Computer Various processes are started including: TaskTracker JobTracker DataNode Secondary Node NameNode It also makes a connection through SSH to other SLAVE computers to start a DataNode and TaskTracker
Running Hadoop Used Hadoop to do a word count on six different books. HDFS copied the books to different clusters, and ran a pre-written program to do a word count on the books. Each node returned data, using the DataNode proccess to save its results. When a node failed, it will issue the job to another node
Example Output of Job Processes
Word count Output
Tested on 1-3 Nodes 1 NODE: JOB COMPLETION 00:01:45 2 NODES: JOB COMPLETION 00:01:28 3 NODE : JOB COMPLETION 00:01:00
Conclusion Our guide covered everything you need to get started with Apache Hadoop Although, there are many problems you can see along the way Troubleshooting was a large part of our project