Criteria’s To evaluate Governmental Systems
Three Governmental Systems: Presidential System Westminter Type System Directorial System
In Parliament Centralized Sovereignty Parliament Head of State Cabinet
In Parliament centralized Sovereignty Parliament Head of State Cabinet
In Parliament centralized Sovereignty Parliament Head of State Cabinet
Criteria’s Input - output Minorities Transparency Accounta- bility Participation Capacty to Learn Legitimacy Participation Efficiency Minimalise Human Failures
Democracy Of the people – with the people – for the people
Why Democracy? Liberty- Self-Determination Finding the Truth Rational Conflict Management Efficiency Majority Participation - Legitimacy Accountability
Democracy and: …... Efficiency Fragmented Nations Transition Globalization Equality Liberty Rule of Law Tyranny of the Majority Transparency
Types of Democracy Procedural Substancial Direct Represen- tative Semi-direct Winner takes all Consociacional Democracy
Problems of Democracy Lobbies Principle Of Oligarchie Corruption Public Interest Economy Exclusion Foreigners Minorities Volonté Générale v. Volonté de Tous Media
Representative Democracy RepresentationConstituency Pluralism of Parties The whole people Volonté Générale Higher being Volonté de Tous Interests Electoral System
People 55% Parliament Executive Wahlen 45% Parties in Government
Semi-direct Democracy Parliament Parties Economy People: Elects and decides Executive Admini- stration Volonté Générale?
Executive Parliament People Elections Referendum Parliament Legisla- tion Finan- ces Semi-direct Democracy Parties
Separation of Powers Division of Labour Separation of Powers Checks and Balances New Challenges Media Terrorism Globalization Migration
Legislation Notion of Legislation Up to Montesquieu Natural law- Positivism Notion of Law and separation of powers