Systems of Government
What is Government? What is Government? Government-Administration or management of an organization, business, or institution. Government-Administration or management of an organization, business, or institution.
Systems of Government What is a system of Government? What is a system of Government? The way a country organizes its political and governing procedures. The way a country organizes its political and governing procedures. Example-in the U.S. citizens vote for leaders who make governing decisions. Example-in the U.S. citizens vote for leaders who make governing decisions.
There are 6 major systems of Government in the world today 1. Absolute Monarchy-King or Queen has total control in society. King or Queen is considered Devine. 2. Dictatorship-Person or political party takes power by force and has total governing power. 3. Theocracy_-government system is based on one predominant religion. Lead of the country is the head religious leader.
Systems of Govt. Continued 4. Presidential Democracy leader/s are justified through the vote of the people. There is a system of checks and balances keeping power balanced. 5. Parliamentary Democracy-law making body is in charge of governing. 6. Constitutional Monarchy_- system of government where the King/Queen’s role is only ceremonial. (figure head of the state) In this system there is also a law making body with a Prime Minister. The P.M. and law makers make political decisions.