Jointer Safety Quiz Print out this Safety Quiz. Without referencing any material, complete the quiz and bring it to class to be assessed by the teacher. After writing this quiz, you will be required to answer some more questions verbally, and you may be asked to demonstrate a safe operation on this machine. 1.Name these parts of the jointer: 1. 1.A) 1.B) 1.C) 1.D) 1.E) 1.F) 1.G)
2. ________________________________________, __________________________ and __________________________ are required before you can proceed to use the jointer. 3. If you have any questions, who will you ask? 4. What is the best depth of cut setting when using the jointer? 5. What is the maxiumum depth of cut setting when using the jointer? 6. What table are you adjusting when you set the depth of cut? 7. To what position must you adjust the fence before using the jointer? 8. When must you use a push stick?
9. When must you use a push plate? 10. How many people are allowed in the "working area"? 11.What position do you keep your fingers in when using the jointer? 12. It is safe to always keep your hand/fingers on the material when passing over cutters? 13. If I suspect the machine requires repair, I who will you inform? 14. What is the minimum length of material permitted on the jointer? 15. _________________________and ___________________________ are factors that affect the quality of finish produced on the jointer. 16. NEVER let your hands __________________________________________!