The Solar System By Devin Fields Fourth grade Mrs. Krause 2009
Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Mercury has no water. Mercury is very hot.
Venus Venus has no water. Venus is the 2 nd planet from the sun. We cannot live on Venus.
Earth Earth is the 3 rd planet from the sun. Earth has life on it. Earth has air.
Mars Mars is the 4 th planet from the sun. There is no life on Mars. Mars has no water.
Jupiter Jupiter is the 5 th planet closest to the sun. Jupiter has no life on it. Jupiter has no air or water. Jupiter is the largest planet. Jupiter is 10 times as big as Earth.
Uranus Uranus lies on its side. Uranus is the 7 th planet.
Neptune Neptune is the 8 th planet. Neptune is made of frozen gases.
Saturn Saturn is 9 times as big as Earth. Saturn is the 6 th planet closest to the sun.
Pluto Pluto is a dwarf planet and is very small. Pluto takes more than 2 earth years to go around the sun.