Our Solar System Beyond the Sun and Moon By: Kira Adams Crescent Moon and Venus
Mercury is the closet planet to the sun Mercury’s diameter is 4,878 km Mercury’s diameter is 0.38 x Earth's With no atmosphere, there is a temperature difference of about 600 degrees between the coldest spots and hottest spots on Mercury.
Venus is the second planet from the Sun The diameter of Venus is 12,104 km Venus is only slightly smaller than our own planet Earth If you weigh 180 pounds on the Earth, you would weigh 163 pounds on Venus
Earth is the third planet from the sun Earth’s diameter is 12, km Earth is about 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old
Diameter (km) Length of year Earth year (days) Number of moons Ring or No Rings Mercury4, (88) 0NO Venus12, ( NO Earth12, 7561 (365.24) 1NO Mars6, (686.9) 2NO Jupiter142, YES Saturn120, YES Uranus51, YES Neptune49, YES
Milky Way Orion Spur Earth
North America United states of America Georgia Elberton
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