Poorest of Poor Strategy (PoP) (MKSP, Assam) 1 Northeast Development Consortium (NDC) O/O the CML, Beltola, Guwahati, Assam Phone: , Mail: --Dr Anil Kr Pegu, Project Coordinator, CML_MKSP
Definition & Selection of POP 2 How do you define POP? Members of extreme poor households being less capable to cope with uncertainties caused due to different reasons. What are the criterion to qualify as POP? Landless, SCs, STs,Minorities, widowed, single women, homeless, deserted, no access to rights & entitlements (Kisan families)
PoP Criteria 3 Sl. No. Filter for IdentificationDescription 1Investment/Cost per member Should be minimum 2Technology/ ActivitiesShould be Simple 3Required Linkages/ Resource requirements External resource requirement should be min. 4Level of handholding required Min. external handholding required 5Dependence on un- controllable external factors Min. external handholding required
PoP Criteria ….. cont 4 Sl. No. Filter for IdentificationDescription 6ScalabilityWhat is the model? (Y/N) 7ReplicabilityWhat is the model? (Y/N) 8RisksMention the risks 9Expected OutputsIncremental household income/others 10Expected OutputsIncremental household income/others (Rs 30,000/yr) 11Outcomes at the end of project Improved food security
What is the strategy? (Mention the strategy-specific to POP) 5 Identification and selection of the PoPs from ULTRA poor families (Landless, SC/ST, Minority etc.) by the community at the village level Mobilize the PoPs into MKSHGs and involving them into group activities including bank linkages Get MKs engaged into a set of Key-livelihood activities-in agriculture & Livestock based interventions Adoption of SA practices both at home and community level to augment healthy foods (Home & Community nutrition garden, Grain & Seed bank)
What is the strategy? …. cont 6 System approach for crop intensification (SRI, SWI, SMI,TPS etc) Introduction of crops (Broccoli, Red cabbage, Carrot, King chilly, Brinjal etc.) in both home & community garden, Instead of use of chemical, making of Vermi compost, Bio compost & Liquid manure compulsory.. recycling of farm,domestic wastes & domestic water in Pitcher irrigation Income generation through small animal based livelihood activities through backyard farming system (pig, goat & poultry)
What is the strategy? …. cont 7 Introduction of drudgery reducing women friendly technologies & equipment Specific to landless MKs, adoption of lease-based partnership of land (Pub-Pvt, Pvt-Pvt) on sharing basis on seasonal fallows, field dikes,CPR & pvt lands Capacity building through staggered training, all season intensive handholding, exposures
HOME GARDEN CONTAINS— 8 A number of PERMANENT TREES- Drumstick (Sajina), Papaya, Plantain, Banana, Guava, Ber, Turmeric, etc. SEASONAL VEGETABLES- Pumpkin, Brinjal, Veindi, Bitter & bottle gourd, Indian spinach, Green chilly, Kundri, Pigeon pea, Elephant foot yam, Ginger,Tomato, Cauli flower, Cabbage, Radish etc. * Home scale vermi compost pit * Bio compost * Liquid manure * Pitcher irrigation. (In dry land areas) Annual production—360 to 400 kg
COMMUNITY GARDEN PRODUCES 9 Partnership mode (Pub-Pvt, Pvt-Pvt) on sharing basis for the Landless. Summer & rainy season (Multiple tier cropping pattern) — Brinjal, Veindi, Bitter & bottle gourd, Ridge gourd, Sponge gourd, Pumpkin, Leafy vegetables, Soya bin, Elephant foot yam etc. Winter season— French bin, Tomato, Ginger, Carrot, Beet, turmeric, Onion, Broccoli, Radish, Coriander, Mustard, Green methi, Leafy Vegetable, Cauli flower, Cabbage, Red cabbage, Chilly etc.
INTERVENTION (Model- 1) HH: SINGLE MAHILA KISAN STATUS: POP, Land less Intervention land (lease) : 1 Bigha (.3 ACRE) STRATEGY: SRI in 1/2 bigha, Vegetable Garden (mix crop) in ½ bigha + homestead garden and small livestock
Cost Benefit Analysis ItemProductionRate (Rs)Income (Rs) Vegetable Garden360 kg per year Community garden120 kg Backyard poultry10 X 1.5kg X 6 = 90 Kg meat Backyard poultry eggs Av 8 eggs/ per day X 30 days X 6 months = Small Livestock (Pig/ goat) 2 goats per year to be sold Paddy (SRI) in ½ bigha 500 kg Total38500 Profit Av. Expenses= 20% of total income 30,800
Assam Model- 2 Area : 1 bigha (14,400 sq. ft) Land topography : Low land Strategy: Introduction of multi cropping in agriculture + Backyard small livestock rearing Intervention: (i) Agriculture: SAP to reduce the cost input (ii) Livestock: Ensure vaccination, regular health check. (iii) Kitchen Garden (Homestead): Application of SAP in existing kitchen garden practice
Cost-Benefit Analysis SlCropTimeCostIncome 1PaddyJune/ July to Oct/ Nov Pea/ Khechari Oct/Nov - Jan/Feb Maize/ Early Ahu/ Gram Feb-May Livestock/ poultry As per the model Total Profit ,920
Assam Model- 3 Area : 1 Bigha (14,400 sq. ft) Land topography : Up land Strategy: Introduction of multi cropping in agriculture + Backyard small livestock rearing Intervention: (i) Agri: SAP to reduce the cost input (ii) Livestock: Ensure vacc, regular health check.
Cost-Benefit Analysis SlCropTimeCostIncome 1Black gram/ Green gram Feb/ Mar to Apr/May Paddy seed bedMay/Jun - Jun/Jul Black gram/ Sesame July/Aug- Oct/Nov Mustard/ PotatoNov-Jan/Feb Livestock/poultry Total Profit ,320