Amanda Jost August 2010
Educate our students about Internet Safety
1. It’s the Law
Title II: Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act A school or library must certify that as part of its Internet safety policy [the school district] is “educating minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response.”
2. It’s the Right Thing to Do
Online usage is high among our students 93% ages12-17 go online – 63% daily 64% have personal content online Online harassment can begin as early as 2 nd Grade
Three Focus Areas: Appropriate Online Behavior Social Networking Cyber Bullying
Appropriate online behavior is a broader topic which includes Cyber Bullying and Social Networking but also includes ethical behavior on the Internet as well as topics covered in the HISD Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
Use of a website designed to allow multiple users to publish content about themselves and connect to other people. Information may be public or limited to people identified as “friends”. Sites may include text, images ( video ( or other media.
“…bullying through , instant messaging, … chat room, … website or gaming site, or through digital messages or images sent to a cellular phone.” Kowalski, R. M., Limber, S. P., & Agatston, P.W. (2007) Cyber bullying: Bullying in the digital age. Malden, MA, Blackwell Publishing. ISBN
“Cyberbullying is not an uncommon occurrence among teens… Slightly more than four in ten teens (43%) report that they have experienced some form of cyberbullying in the last year.”
HISD TechApps HAPGs HISD Cyber Safety Website Lessons and Materials from various sources
Grades K-8: 1 st grading cycle High School: Computer Science and Web Mastering: 1 st grading cycle
Log in to the portal Departments > C > Curriculum Cyber Safety Teacher Resources
EasyTech – K-8 Interactive lessons, plus discussions, activities, and journals NetSmartz – Multimedia. Good for large groups and parent presentations CyberSmart – No computer needed, good for non-lab settings, black-line masters iKeepSafe – videos and other useful resources for elementary and teens i-SAFE – Lessons and videos. Materials can be used until 2/23/
Ages Special Populations
English Language Arts Social Studies Health Other ideas? Faux Paw from Paw Feather in the Wind from in the Wind
Who will teach this content on my campus? When will this content be taught? Where will this content be taught? How will this content be taught? ◦ Setting ◦ Groupings ◦ Materials
Stay positive – Research shows scare tactics are less effective. Reinforce all year – Reinforcement makes concepts more readily accessible to students when they need them. It’s everyone’s job – All teachers are responsible for cyber safety strategies.
Contact me at ◦ Amanda Jost Check out our HISD Cyber Safety Website by logging into the portal and going to the Curriculum Department. Several Cyber Safety Links will be there.