Wayne RESA Instructional Technology Leaders (ITL) Meeting Friday, Sept. 14, 2012 Members: Carole Vettrus (Riverview), Joe Hilliard (Huron), Jeff Trudell (Wyandotte), Valerie DePaoli, Mary Jane Milke (Wayne Westland), Anupam Chugh (Wayne RESA), Deb Clancy (Wayne RESA)
Agenda Welcome & Introductions Backchannel - Today’s meet (keep the conversations going) Info Sharing from RESA -State and local updates -Upcoming events -Tech plan update -REMC updates (blended learning, connected educator series, new 21 Things for students site) -Moodle Info Sharing from Participants - new projects, initiatives, etc. How are Districts Addressing the new Bullying Law- -Review of the bullying law - Kathy Gibson -Group Discussion: How are you addressing this at your district? Internet Safety lessons, AUP changes, etc. Discussion/Back Channel: What do you need for this school year? Topics for upcoming sessions? Learnport Update Show and Tell: Hot topics, apps, edmodo, liver binder, pintrest Prioritize Activity & Conclusion
Welcome & Introductions ITL planning team: o Carole Vettrus (Riverview) o Joe Hilliard (Huron) o Jeff Trudell (Wyandotte) o Valerie DePaoli o Mary Jane Milke (Wayne Westland) o Anupam Chugh (Wayne RESA) o Deb Clancy (Wayne RESA) Goals: ▫Support Wayne County districts in efforts to use technology to improve student achievement - more specifically: support use of technology to support the teaching and learning process (21st century teaching and learning) create professional learning community share resources create relevancy connect the dots within districts
Meeting Dates Friday, Sept 14, 2012 Friday, Nov 9, 2012 Friday, Jan 25, 2013 Monday, Mar 4, 2013 (Joint sessions with LML) Friday, May 10, 2013
ITL websites ITL Wiki Website - wcresa.wikispaces.com/ wcresa.wikispaces.com/ ITL Back Channel -
State and Local Updates Technology planning & Technology Readiness CIPA Guidelines PSTA – survey is open REMC updates: Blended learning project/course – registration open; starts Sept. 26, 2012; limited to 10 participantsregistration Connected educator series Connected educator series New 21 Things for students sitesite Moodle
Technology Planning & Technology Readiness District level plans (building level for PSAs and non- publics) Expire June 30, 2013 Written for 3 years Needed for E-Rate reimbursement MDE suggesting everyone have an approve tech plan with a budget Grant/funding in “flux”-stay the course with tech planning
Technology Planning & Technology Readiness District Tech Plans due by June 30, 2013 ▫Northville Public Schools ▫Riverview Community School District ▫School District of the City of Inkster ▫Van Buren Public Schools 19 PSA and non-publics Deb Clancy Ron Faulds
Upcoming Statewide Events September 25 - Personalized Learning Conference. MACUL’s first after school conference, held at Holland Christian High School. Only $39, including dinner. Personalized Learning Conference October 19 - miGoogle Educators Conference. Southfield Christian Schools. Featured Speakers Ronald Ho (Google +), Scot Graden, Nick Provenzano.miGoogle Educators Conference Oct. 27, MSU College of Education Technology Conference (FREE & on a Saturday) Erickson Hall, MSU, East Lansing, MI November Michigan Digital Learning Conference, Macomb ISD. Featured speakers Steve Dembo and Leslie Fisher. Michigan Digital Learning Conference November 28 - Michigan Student Technology Showcase, Michigan Capitol, Lansing.Michigan Student Technology Showcase December 13 - Michigan Virtual University Online Symposium, Kellogg Center, E. Lansing.Michigan Virtual University Online Symposium January 10, 2013 – Michigan Moodle Moot, CCRESA, St. Johns, MI. March 20-22, MACUL Conference, Cobo Center, Detroit MACUL Conference April 26, Upper Peninsula MACUL Conference, Houghton. Co-hosted by REMC 1.
Info Sharing from Participants Please share new projects, initiatives, needs, etc.
MI Bullying Law Kathy Gibson – review the law and provide general guidance Discussion – How are local districts addressing this mandate?
Future Sessions Activity
Learnport update - NetTrekker MOPLS (Michigan Online Professional Learning System) – Transitioning to the Common Core: ELA and Mathematics Simple K-12 webinars MVU job openings (Mentors and online instructors)MVU job openings
Lunch (11:30-12:30)
Instructional Technology Showdown! Jeff Trudell
Prioritize Future Sessions
Conclusion Next meeting: Friday, Nov 9, 2012