Qualities needed among science teachers- A perspective from Taiwan Huann-shyang Lin National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Topics of my talk: 1.Qualities (or standards) needed for science teaching and science teachers’ professional development. (National Research Council, 1996). 2. Strategies of promoting science teachers’ professional development in my pilot study.
Qualities needed in science teaching- Curricular design 1.Select science content and design curricula to meet the interests, knowledge, abilities, and experiences of students. 2.Select teaching and assessment strategies that support the development of student understanding and nurture a community of science learners.
Qualities needed in science teaching- Encouraging inquiry 1.Orchestrate friendly learning discourse and challenge students to accept and share learning responsibility. 2.Encourage and model the skills of scientific inquiry, curiosity, openness to new ideas, and skepticism.
Qualities needed in science teaching- Assessment and reflection 1.Use multiple methods of assessment and systematically gather data about student understanding and ability. 2.Use student data, observations of teaching, and interactions with colleagues to reflect on and improve teaching practice..
Qualities needed in science teaching- Management of learning environment 1.Create a setting for student work that is flexible and supportive of science inquiry. 2.Make the available science tools, materials, media, and technological resources accessible to students.
Qualities needed in professional development 1.Engaging in regular, frequent opportunities for individual and collegial examination and reflection on teaching practices. 2.Receiving feedback about their teaching and to understand, analyze, and apply that feedback to improve their practice.
Qualities needed in professional development 3. Learning and using the skills of research to generate new knowledge about science and the teaching of science. 4. Working collaboratively with scientists, science educators, teacher unions, and administrators for life-long professional development.
Strategies of professional development used in a pilot study Purpose: Investigating the impact of collaborative reflections on teachers inquiry teaching practices and identifying supportive actions relating to their professional development.
Strategies of collaborative reflections 1.Formulating a “team-within-a-school” reform effort. 2.Facilitating teachers’ understanding of inquiry through a book reading club.
Strategies of collaborative reflections 3. Providing sample teaching units and scaffolding teaching practices for teachers to observe, discuss, and reflect on the key components of inquiry. 4. Encouraging teachers’ reflections through personal journal writings, peer-interactions, and feedback from on-site visits.
COLLABORATIVE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The model of science teachers’ Collaborative Professional Development.
Draft of inquiry Unit Inquiry Unit Version 1 Inquiry Unit Version 2 Resources 1 Book chapters of inquiry teaching. 2 Inquiry workshop sample unit. 3 Reflective journal writing. Resources 1 Peer discussion. 2 Observation of peers’ teaching. 3 Researcher teacher interaction. Resources 1 Teacher-student interaction. 2 Comments of on-site visiting. on Interactive- clarification Collaborative reflection Interactive reconciliation developed integrated adjusted Interactive- Clarification Collaborative reflection Interactive reconciliation Resources 1. Book chapters of inquiry teaching. 2. Inquiry workshop sample unit. 3.Reflective journal writing. Draft of inquiry Unit Resources 1 Peer discussion. 2 Observation of peers’ teaching. 3 Researcher teacher interaction. Inquiry Unit Version 1 Inquiry Unit Version 2 Resources 1 Teacher-student interaction. 2 Comments of on-site visiting.
Draft of inquiry Unit Inquiry Unit Version 1 Inquiry Unit Version 2 Resources 1 Book chapters of inquiry teaching. 2 Inquiry workshop sample unit. 3 Reflective journal writing. Resources 1 Peer discussion. 2 Observation of peers’ teaching. 3 Researcher teacher interaction. Resources 1 Teacher-student interaction. 2 Comments of on-site visiting. on Interactive- clarification Collaborative reflection Interactive reconciliation developed integrated adjusted Resources of Dynamic reflection and revision of inquiry unit.
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