2014 GEM-Raleigh Recommendations USDA/ARS: Matthew Krakowsky and Dale Dowden NC State: Major Goodman, A. Wayne Dillard and William Hill
2014 GEM-Raleigh Yield Trials GEM released lines (EXP8 and EXP9)GEM released lines (EXP8 and EXP9) Ex-PVP inbreds (EXA2 and EXF1)Ex-PVP inbreds (EXA2 and EXF1) GEM third year trials (EXR1 and EXS8)GEM third year trials (EXR1 and EXS8) Potentially usefully exotic germplasm (EXS5)Potentially usefully exotic germplasm (EXS5)
Experiment P8: GEM-Raleigh releases evaluated in 25 environments ( ) PedigreeYieldMoisture Yield / Moisture Erect Plants Gray Leaf Spot bu/ac% % 1-9, 9=best GEMN-0137_SCRGp3:N B x LH132.FR GEMN-0207_BR51403:N16-B C-001-B x LH132.FR GEMN-0119_CHS775:N B x LH132.FR LH383 x LH283.LH GEMN-0103_DK888:N11-B B x LH132.FR GEMN-0043_BR51403:N16-B-857-B x LH132.FR GEMN-0208_BR51403:N16-B G-003-B x LH132.FR GEMN-0213_DKXL380:N11-B B-002-B x LH132.FR PHT55 x LH283.LH GEMN-0217_DK888:N11-B B-001-B x LH132.FR GEMN-0108_DK888:N11-B B x LH132.FR GEMN-0212_DK888:N11-B B-007-B x LH132.FR Pioneer 31D58 (check) Pioneer 31P41 (check) DeKalb 697 (check) Experiment mean Check mean LSD CV %
Experiment P9: GEM-Ames releases evaluated in 21 environments ( ) PedigreeYieldMoisture Yield / Moisture Erect Plants Gray Leaf Spot bu/ac% % 1-9, 9=best GEMS-0175_BVIR155:S B-B x LH283.LH GEMS-0091_CHS740:S1411a B x LH283.LH GEMS-0049_DKB844:S B x LH283.LH NS701 x LH283.LH GEMN-0158_BR51721N B x LH132.FR GEMS-0200_BR105:S B-B x LH283.LH LH51 x LH132.FR GEMN-0097_FS8B(T):N11a B x LH132.FR GEMS-0202_BR105:S B x LH283.LH GEMN-0178_DK888:N11a08a B x LH132.FR DeKalb 697 (check) GEMS-0050_DKB844:S B x LH283.LH Pioneer 31D58 (check) Pioneer 31P41 (check) Experiment mean Check mean LSD CV %
Experiment A2: ex-PVP yield trials conducted at five NC locations in each of three years (15 environments total) PedigreeYieldMoisture Yield / Moisture Erect PlantsEar height Plant height Gray Leaf bu/ac% %cm 1-9, 9=best ICI 740 x LH287.LH PHK93 x FR1064.LH PHJ65 x FR1064.LH PHJ65 x LH287.LH LH200 x LH DK_MM402A x FR1064.LH PHR58 x FR1064.LH DK_6F629 x LH287.LH DK_MBUB x FR1064.LH DK_F118 x LH287.LH DK_6M502 x FR1064.LH DeKalb Pioneer 31G Pioneer 31P Pioneer 31D Experiment means LSD 0.05 (entry x loc) C. V. % (entry x loc)
Experiment F1: ex-PVP yield trials conducted at five NC locations in each of two years (10 environments total) PedigreeYieldMoisture Yield / Moisture Erect Plants Ear height Plant height Gray Leaf bu/ac% %cm 1-9, 9=best DK_NL001 x LH283.LH LH210 x LH132.FR PHJR5 x LH283.LH PHP38 x LH287.LH LH204 x LH283.LH PHT47 x LH287.LH Mo17 x FR1064.LH DK_2FADB x LH283.LH DK_MBWZ x LH132.FR PHHH9 x LH287.LH PHK93 x LH132.FR LH198 x LH283.LH LH132 x LH B73 x LH287.LH Pioneer 33M LH197 x LH283.LH Pioneer 31P DeKalb Pioneer 31G Pioneer 31D NC320 x NC Experiment mean LSD 0.05 (entry x loc) C. V. % (entry x loc)
GEM codePedigreeRaceCountryType Heterotic pattern Plant Height (cm) Ear Height (cm) Grain color GEMS-0253DK212T:S Tropical hybridThailand 25% Tropical SSS25081Y GEMN-0254FS8B(T):N11a Mixed population USA 50% Subtropical NSSS23466Y GEMS-0255FS8B(S):S Mixed population USA 50% Subtropical SSS24579Y GEMS-0256NS1:S SuwanThailand 25% Tropical SSS23181Y GEMN-0257CHIS462:N08d TuxpeñoMexico 50% Tropical NSSS24598Y/W GEMS-0258DKB830:S Tropical hybridMexico 50% Tropical SSS24398Y/W GEMN-0259SCR01:N11c St. Croix 50% Tropical NSSS23984Y Summary of the seven GEM-Raleigh recommended lines for 2015
Experiment R1: Third year GEM experimental entries evaluated in 25 environments (2013 and 2014) PedigreeYieldMoisture Yield/ Moisture Erect Plants Ear height Plant height Gray Leaf Spot bu/ac% %cm 1-9, 9=best FS8B(T):N11a x FR1064.LH FS8B(T):N11a x FR1064.LH FS8B(T):N11a x FR1064.LH FS8B(T):N11a x FR1064.LH FS8B(T):N11a x FR1064.LH FS8B(T):N11a x FR1064.LH FS8B(T):N11a-B-007 x FR1064.LH FS8B(T):N x FR1064.LH FS8B(T):N x FR1064.LH FS8B(T):N x FR1064.LH FS8B(S):S x LH287.LH FS8B(S):S x LH287.LH DK212T:S x LH283.LH NS1:S x LH283.LH GEMS-0091_CHS740:S1411a B x LH283.LH GEMN-0097_FS8B(T):N11a B x LH132.FR GEMS-0113_CHS775:S1911b B x LH283.LH GEMN-0178_DK888:N11a08a B x LH132.FR LH310 x LH283.LH LH382 x LH283.LH LH311 x LH283.LH LH287 x FR1064.LH Pioneer 1745R (check) Pioneer 31D58 (check) Pioneer 31P41 (check) DeKalb 697 (check) DKC68-04 (check) HC33 x TR Pioneer 33M54 (check) Experiment mean Check mean LSD CV %
Experiment S8: Third year GEM experimental entries evaluated in 24 environments (2013 and 2014) PedigreeYieldMoisture Yield/ Moisture Erect Plants Ear height Plant height Gray Leaf Spot bu/ac% %cm 1-9, 9=best (NC298/DK_HBA1) x LH132.FR (NC298/DK_HBA1) x LH132.FR BR106:T33aN x FR1064.LH BR106:T33aN x FR1064.LH BR51721:N x LH132.FR CHIS462:N08d x FR1064.LH CHIS775:S x LH283.LH DKB830:S11a x LH283.LH DKB830:S11a x LH283.LH DKB830:S x LH283.LH DKB830:S x LH287.LH DKXL380:N x LH132.FR SCR01:N11c x LH132.FR SCR01:N11c x LH132.FR GEMN-0043_BR51403:N16-B-857-B x LH132.FR GEMS-0027_DKXL370:S11-B B x LH283.LH GEMS-0032_DKXL380:S11-B B x LH283.LH LH310 x LH283.LH Mo17 x LH132.FR LH195 x LH283.LH Pioneer 1745R (check) Pioneer 31D58 (check) Pioneer 31P41 (check) DeKalb 697 (check) DeKalb (check) HC33 x TR Pioneer 33M54 (check) Experiment mean Check mean LSD CV %
Experiment S5: Tropical inbreds crossed to Pioneer 33M54 and evaluated over 18 locations in 2013 and 2014 PedigreeYieldMoisture Yield / Moisture Erect Plants Ear Height Plant Height Gray Leaf Spot bu/ac% %cm 1-9, 9=best La_Posta_Sequia_C7_F B-B-B La_Posta_Sequia_C7_F B-B-B La_Posta_Sequia_C7-F B-B La_Posta_Sequia_C7-F B-B-B La_Posta_Sequia_C7-F B-B-B La_Posta_Sequia_C7_F B-B-B La_Posta_Sequia_C7_F B-B-B La_Posta_Sequia_C7_F B-B-B La_Posta_Sequia_C7_F B-B-B La_Posta_Sequia_C7_F B-B-B La_Posta_Sequia_C7_F B-B-B SPL_C7_F B-B-B-B Pioneer 31D DKC HC33 x TR Pioneer 33M Experiment mean Check mean LSD CV %