Unit 4: Primary Resources World Geo 3200/3202 February 2011
In this lesson you will learn: The systems model to farming, including the following delineations: Define the terms inputs, processes, and outputs. (k) Identify the natural inputs in a farming operation. (k) Identify the human inputs in a farming operation. (k) Analyze the processes in a farming operation. (a) Relate farming processes to inputs. (a) Relate the outputs in a farming operation to the processes and inputs. (a)
refers to a model of looking at any system (farming, oil production, tire factory, schooling) and recognizing there are inputs, processes, and outputs.
Refers to those things that are put into the system. Human inputs in agriculture would include labour, equipment, fertilizer and irrigation systems Natural inputs in agriculture would include rain, sunshine, heat and soil type.
Given a case study of a farming operation you should be able to briefly describe (inputs): - the workers and their source; - the kinds of tools and equipment used: - the infrastructure: - the capital invested in the operation: - the types of seeds or young livestock used: - the nature of the land: - the quality of the soil: - climatic conditions.
Refers to those things that are produced by the system. In cattle farming the outputs could include beef and raw hide In vegetable farming outputs could include carrots, potatoes and cabbage.
Refers to those procedures that occur in the system to convert the inputs to outputs. For example in vegetable farming the processes would include, sowing seed, watering, fertilizing, weeding, aerating, harvesting.
Given a case study of a farming operation you should be able to briefly examine (processes) - the division of labour; who does what? - the spatial movement of people and animals; Are the workers migratory? Are the animals moved between grazing lands? - how the crops are planted; crop rotation, contour plowing, is any land left fallow? - irrigation and soil maintenance practices; is there a need for watering? how frequently do they fertilize? What do they fertilize with? - the annual cycle of farming activities - how farming activities spatially arranged
These four definitions give you the basic understanding so you can apply that knowledge to: analyze the processes in a farming operation; relate farming processes to inputs; relate the outputs in a farming operation to the processes and inputs. You do NOT need to memorize the specifics of every farm type you look at, rather you must be able to apply the "systems Model" to any farming situation and determine inputs, processes and outputs.
Read p. 144 & complete questions 1-2 found there Read the Case Study "A Mixed-Vegetable Farm In Canada" (p )and complete questions #3-6.
_?_ refers to a model of looking at any system (farming, oil production, tire factory, schooling) and recognizing there are inputs, processes, and outputs. Systems Model _?_ refers to those things that are put into the system. For example in farming the human inputs would include labour, equipment, fertilizer and irrigation systems, whereas natural inputs would include rain, sunshine, heat and soil type. Inputs
_?_ refers to those things that are produced by the system. For example in cattle farming the outputs could include beef and raw hide whereas vegetable farm outputs could include carrots, potatoes, cabbage, etc.. Outputs _?_ refers to those procedures that occur in the system to convert the inputs to outputs. For example in vegetable farming the processes would include, sowing seed, watering, fertilizing, weeding, aerating, harvesting. Processes
In this picture name one input, process and output that are rather evident. Inputs include; sun, soil, water hay seed Process= Bailing Hay: Output = Hay
Using the systems model how would classify the following aspects of a farm? Seeds Sun light Mending fences spraying against bugs Cabbage