The Business of Farming How have farms changed over the past 100 years? MECHANIZATION
What other factors have made farming an “unattractive” option ? long hours reduced income high ‘start up’ costs competition unstable farm prices
What is agribusiness? Two types: 1. Co-operative -farmers purchase land/equipment together, profit sharing 2. Private/public companies -multinational corporations own entire operation or parts
Damaging the Land How is land damaged ? compaction leaching erosion chemical damage
In what ways can we combat these problems? Erosion : –no-till cropping –contour plowing –summer fallowing ??
Compaction: - use lighter tires Chemical Damage: - biological control introduce ‘enemy’ insects to combat pests sterilize males with radiation
What does this lead us to? SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE
Urban Sprawl Most of Canada’s best farmland is within 80km Canada’s largest cities !! Problems: increased transportation costs as farms move further from markets greater use of poor farm land
some land cannot be replaced (limited amount available) So What’s Happening? Due to the disinterest in farming and sprawling urban growth, farmers are selling their land for the highest price
What can be done? restrict development to poor quality land keep present amount of farmland in production (farmers can only sell their land to farmers) Is this fair?
If Canadian farmers are unable to grow enough food to feed Canadians we could become dependant on other countries for our food supplies - What might happen??
Agriculture Wrap-up Profit=income-expenses Importance of agriculture to Canada Canada Land Inventory Land as a renewable and non-renewable resource Natural and economic factors that determine types of farming Intensive and extensive farming
how farms have changed (mechanization) why farming is unattractive to young people agribusiness - co-operatives and multinationals how soil is damaged - compaction, leaching, erosion, chemical damage... summer fallowing, no-till cropping, contour plowing, crop rotation biological pest control
loss of farmland to urbanization pros and cons of restricting urbanization of farmland