To remember: Certain topics lend themselves better to certain investigation techniques!! The younger the children and the less experience they have with investigations, the more direction they will need!
Webbing with children Visual support-after reading book, using photographs, using actual objects Environment-large group, small group, snack, centers Timing-can do a LITTLE at a time over the course of a couple days. Support-translators with 2nd language learners
Field site visit Differs from a field trip Requires much more prep Children have a “goal” or “job” You must visit site beforehand-check hours/access Bring clipboards, pencils, sharpener and tape
Photographs Create a display board WITH captions Create a classroom book (demonstrate process) Use for observational drawings Use as a reference point-return to them regularly
Interviews Site personnel need to be prepared (make sure they are aware of your goals) Assign verbal children to ask question Break into groups Choral questioning Use of props Practice at school with peers/other staff
More about interviews Some adults are not used to talking to children You must be ready to interject Use “talking to the children” to guide your speaker
Collecting Artifacts Ask permission ahead of time Ask other teachers for resources Set up a dramatic play area where children can act out what they saw Listen carefully to the children-this is how deeper curriculum is developed
Tallies & graphs Teach how to draw a tally Keep and display graphs Use as a reference point-return to them regularly
Observational Drawings Will NOT be representational from a adult’s perspective You embellish & expand with your language Display in the classroom! Do more than once (time 2 drawings)
Family Involvement Have families bring in an artifact Organize a show,or play Have families complete a survey (we went out to eat)
Other investigation techniques Small scale construction Large scale construction Dramatic play List of quotes and questions
Organizational Strategies “One bit” a day-curriculum does not have to permeate the entire classroom Small groups that rotate daily Use snack time Set up a specific center Use your web and list of questions…it will help guide you Each day builds upon the next-you will write a daily paragraph, summarizing your work.
Consider… Knowledge moves from the known to the unknown Children can be the experts Children will be more interested in certain aspects of the curriculum