1.Login from pub3 to olserver13 using one single interface (authentication with ActiveDirectory and through the firewall) 2.A possible changing of strategy in collecting data from the Alp servers Many WEB applications use data which are generated by ALP (ALPGuard, ALPDMS). from Alp we send a system command in which we perform a “rsh” in background on olserver13; than on olserver13 a specific PHP script is being launched for each application. Many limitations: the rsh command cannot be controlled at any level the amount of uncontrolled rsh on olserver13 has grown in a considerable way Moreover the rsh is performed as “virgorun” An alternative strategy AlpDMS and Alpguard run on olserver2 which is equipped with basic version of PHP from the two Alp servers we can perform a system command in which we launch a specific PHP script. than the PHP script (launched on olserver2) can build a MySQL connection and than write into the MySQL db hosted on olserver13. Solution already implemented for the scripts launched by AlpDMS since 22 November.
3.New intercaes * Interface to set user rights to shelve/mute flags * Interface to set notification about shelving/muting changes 4. AoB 4.1 log of the flag (different and alternative to the “DMSLog”): Rough proposal to better define; From a subflag and after authentication possibility to add comment (i.e. sensor broken, expert has been informed); Log of the subflag automatically created superposing automatic message (i.e. at xx subflag is red, at xx subflag shelved, etc..) with manual added comment; Seek examples in commercial alarm system to get more ideas; “brms(TCS_NI_Power)” LOG 99988xxxx Flag unshelved 99988xxxx Flag green 99988xxxx comment added: sensor repaired 99988xxxx Flag shelved 99988xxxx comment added: expert informed 99988xxxx comment added: sensor broken 99988xxxx Flag red