Mrs. Stare Back to School Night Math
Remind: Text messages or s Periods 1/3 to Periods 4/5 to Period 6 to 81010
Class Rules 1. Be Respectful 2. Be Responsible 3. Be Prepared 4. Be Prompt 5. Complete ALL assignments (Homework is not optional ). *Cell Phones must be turned off while in class unless a student has been given permission to use it for class.
Rewards and Consequences Rewards A ticket system is used as positive reinforcement with prize drawings. Positive feedback Good Grades A great education and learning experience Consequences 1 st strike-verbal warning 2 nd strike- Break Detention/Sentences 3 rd strike- Call home If the first offense is severe, a referral may automatically be given.
Communication My address is Or you can call me at the school (951) no voic
Jupiter Grades Jupiter Grades is the online gradebook viewable by all students and parents. The link to access Jupiter Grades can be found on the DAB website under the STUDENTS tab. Logins have been sent home with each student. Be sure to check your child’s grades weekly to make sure he/she is completing all assignments. Please feel free to me with any concerns or questions.
Binder Reminders Students write down their “daily agenda” every day when they enter the classroom. Parents: BE SURE to CHECK your child’s binder reminder everyday. Absences & Late Work Students are responsible for making up ALL missed work. Late work will be accepted.
How do I know what I missed? In Class Work Check the “What did we do?” board Check the “Extra Copies” box Homework/Assignments Mrs. Stare’s classroom website on the DAB website Jupiter Grades-When you log in to Jupiter Grades, all homework assignments are uploaded as a PDF so that you can see the entire assignment or print it if need be!
Homework/Assignments My classroom website on the D.A.B. website Go to the D.A.B. main page, click on classes/assignments Then click on math or science. Then click on the Mrs. Stare’s class period that your student has me.
This is an example of my 1 st period math class’ page.
CPM College Preparatory Math This year, all 6 th grade math teachers will be using the CPM curriculum. Students will have an assignment at least a few nights each week if not every night. Assignments are to be completed in their math composition books only. Assignments are worth 5 points.
Supplies for Math Pencils ALWAYS- Assignments in pen will not be accepted! Spiral notebook- for classwork, stays in class at all times Composition book- used for homework assignments. Stays in backpack and brought to school daily. Toolkit - Used for reference. Kept in back packs at all times. Ebook - Each student has their own e-book login for math to use for homework. E-books have homework help to use if needed. **Printed Homework Assignments will be provided as needed.
Math Grading Classwork and participation 30% Assignments30% Assessments40%
Mrs. Stare Back to School Night Science
Science- California Earth Science We will be covering the California Science Standards for sixth grade. We will be studying Earth Science. Curriculum Used California Earth Science- Prentice Hall
Science Textbook All students have been issued a Science textbook from the school library. Student’s textbooks need to be brought to class and left here if they don’t need it that evening. Books must be covered. I don’t have a class set of books for each student to use at school.
Science Homework Rarely is homework assigned. If classwork is NOT complete, students will need to finish it at home. However, students need to review/study their key terms for 5-10 minutes each night so they are prepared for upcoming tests.
Science Notebook Students will put together a portfolio of their work this school year in their spiral notebook. This project will be an ongoing assignment, and the majority of the work will be done in class. Everything your child will be doing in science this year will be placed in the science notebook. Parents are encouraged to check their child’s notebook throughout the year.
Supplies for Science Colored pencils Markers Crayons. Highlighters Glue sticks Scotch tape
Any Questions???? I’m looking forward to a wonderful year!!