Business Plan of S A Weather Service for 2003/04
3 – 4 March 2003 S A Weather Service Achievements in past year Establishment of the Aviation Weather Centre and improve services Participation in the WSSD Tanzania project 5 AWS’s Improvements in accuracy of weather warnings and forecasts
3 – 4 March 2003 S A Weather Service Achievements Training of scientists and forecasters BSc Hons ( ) Training of extension officers in 4 workshops in 4 Provinces Growth of Weather Line. R 1,8 m Service delivery contracts – ESKOM SASOL UAE COINTEL MULTICHOICE
3 – 4 March 2003 S A Weather Service PUBLIC GOOD SERVICES Scientific support Improvement in the observations network Restore observation networks to former levels New Technology Weather buoys AMDAR MSG Electronic Communication Cell phone technology Expand Radar Network Spatial Interpolation and Mapping of Rainfall (Radar, satellite and rain gauges
3 – 4 March 2003 S A Weather Service Establishing an effective climate data base The designated custodian of the National Climate data base. Provide critical information to the agriculture and other climate sensitive industries in South Africa. Full integration with a GIS system. A new data capturing system is being developed.
3 – 4 March 2003 S A Weather Service Serving the maritime industry Services to the maritime industry decline in the last few years. Competition from other National Meteorological Services and private sector operators. Training and development of staff to serve this sector is a top priority. The strategy for taking back our responsibility includes to initiates the re- locating a Marine Weather Centre in Cape Town.
3 – 4 March 2003 S A Weather Service Serving rural and vulnerable communities Additional revenue from commercial services to free up funds Eastern Cape project and the Umtata Radar. Improve further in the use of effective weather warning system, community radio stations, cell phone technology, the disaster management network, the SAPS network and agriculture extension facilities and (NAFU) Improved verification system.. Impact related information. Restructuring of the regional offices aimed at a their specific needs.
3 – 4 March 2003 S A Weather Service COMMERCIAL SERVICES Aviation industry. Dissemination of information Cellphones, Web, SMS’s Fax on demand Other commercial services Eskom, Sasol, Lesotho Tanazania, UAE, (Coega, Namibia, Mulitichoice) Additional support Debtors section, online transactions
3 – 4 March 2003 S A Weather Service NEPAD Regional weather radar network AWS and AMDAR data Joint procurement Training RTH and RSMC responsibilities to SADC
3 – 4 March 2003 S A Weather Service 27 February 2003
3 – 4 March 2003 S A Weather Service Japhet 1 March 2003
3 – 4 March 2003 S A Weather Service