Principles of the New National Curriculum and Assessment process.
Aims The New National Curriculum - 2014. Life without Levels: Statutory Assessment in Primary education. Assessment at Warren Road.
A Mastery Curriculum
Spiral Curriculum Level 6 Level 5 KS2 National Average Level 4 Level 3 A mastery curriculum can be contrasted with other approaches, such as a spiral curriculum which requires pupils to move through the curriculum at a pre-determined pace, often changing units after four weeks or half a term because it is time to move on, rather than because the students have understood the content contained within the module. Knowledge that is not then returned to until the following academic year. KS1 National Average Level 2 Level 1
Learning Steps MASTERY CURRICULUM Emerging Developing Secure Exceeding Towards National Expectations. Y2 At National Expectations. Mastery Y1 Exceeding National Expectations – working at greater depth. EYFS
During a lesson/unit of work DEVELOPING – WORKING TOWARDS Y6 17 X TABLE SECURE – WORKING AT EXPECTATIONS (More advanced content) During a lesson/unit of work Y5 EXCEEDING – WORKING AT GREATER DEPTH (More advanced content) Y4 Y3 MASTERY CURRICULUM Y2 A mastery curriculum breaks the key knowledge relating to each subject area into units with clearly specified objectives which are pursued until they are achieved (repetition and constant recall.) Learners work through each block of content in a series of sequential steps. Typically, about 80% of students are expected to have secured the threshold concepts before progressing to new content. Retention of this knowledge is then assessed in future testing and gaps which emerge are addressed. Those students who do not reach the required level are provided with additional tuition, peer support, small group discussions, or homework so that they can move closer to and reach the expected level. Students who arrive in class with more advanced levels of knowledge or who acquire the knowledge covered within a unit more rapidly are required to apply the relevant knowledge in more challenging tasks. These tasks demand higher order thinking skills or a broader range of knowledge – they will achieve a ‘Greater Depth of understanding – mastery in certain areas.’ If mastery is achieved in a range of areas within a subject, that child will be exceeding National Expectations. Y1 EYFS
Simple model 17x Table Working towards – developing = know elements. Secure = know the 17x table. – teach another. Mastery – apply to 34 x table, apply the same technique to 18 x table.
Statutory Assessment points in Primary education. EYFS Children leave reception judged as either: 1 = Below expectations - Developing 2 = At expectations - Secure 3 = Above Expectations – Greater Depth Y1 Phonics Children are judged as: Meeting the Phonics decoding Standard or Working towards. (Repeated in Y2)
New Curriculum, new standards, new tests. KS1 – End of Year 2 = May Reading comprehension test Grammar, punctuation and spelling test Writing – Teacher Assessment Maths reasoning tests Arithmetic test Judged at the end of KS1 as: Working towards = Developing. Working at = Secure. Working with greater depth = Exceeding the National Average
KS2 – End of Year 6 = May 9th to 12th Reading comprehension test. – focus on narrative. Grammar, punctuation and spelling test. Writing – Teacher assessment – judged in June. Arithmetic test. Mathematical Reasoning test x2. No L6 or advanced papers – a group of questions within the statutory tests designed to challenge the more able.
Scaled Scores. Each child will get a raw score in KS1 and KS2 from the test – out of 140. However… Due to an inevitable slight difference in the difficulty of the tests year on year each child will be given a Scaled Score where 100 is typically the national average. The ‘raw score’ (i.e. the total number of correct responses) that equates to 100 might be different (though similar) each year. 68% of the population tested will achieve scaled scores between 85 and 115 Your child will be judged as: Working towards = developing. Working at = secure – 100 scaled score. Working with greater depth = exceeding the national Average.
Warren Road 2015
What additional assessment are we doing at Warren Road? Academic: Day to day, lesson to lesson formative assessment against the new National Curriculum objectives. Talking to and questioning children Observing children Marking books Interim tests for gap analysis to inform planning. Peer assessment Self assessment
What additional assessment are we doing at Warren Road? Pastoral assessment: The Whole Child Resilience Positivity Contribution to school community Determination
Click Here: Sample tests at KS1 and KS2 New video published on changes to 2016 tests and assessments New national Curriculum Interim Frameworks KS1 and KS2 A few questions to ponder… 1969 GPS – glossary on the website.
Summary New Mastery Curriculum -Learn the knowledge and then apply that knowledge resulting in children reaching a greater depth of understanding. Children assessed against the national standard at KS1 and KS2. Raw score and scaled score – 100 = National Average. Every day Assessment for Learning continues at Warren Road against the New Curriculum. The whole child is the focus.