By: Kyler Moody 9B-12 and Emily Rankin 9B-17
Location Pluto is the usually the ninth planet from the sun, but every 248 years, it becomes the eighth planet for twenty years Found approximately 3.6 billion miles away from the sun
Revolution It takes about 248 Earth years to make a year on Pluto Rotation It takes about 6 earth days to make a day on Pluto
Outer planet, last planet in solar system. Moons: Charon, Nix, and Hydra Color: mostly brown Atmosphere: Methane Surface: methane and water mixed with rock Temperature: Ranges from -369 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Fahrenheit (-223 C and -233 C). It is a gas planet.
The gravity on Pluto is 0.07 to that of Earth. A person on Earth weighing 100 LB only weights 7 LB on Pluto.
The air is made mostly of nitrogen gas, with the addition of carbon monoxide and methane. The Picture on this slide is the sign for Pluto.
This guy found Pluto. Pluto is known as the Hades witch is the dark under world of Greece.
Pictures: Google images Content: