Thomas Elmqvist, Belinda Reyers, Thomas Bergendorff SC-Diversitas March 2011 DIVERSITAS
I: TEEB Follow-up through TEEB-ICLEI partnership (TE)
Reyers, B, Biggs, R., Elmqvist, T, Folke, C & Polasky, S. A social-ecological approach to ecosystem service indicator development.(in prep). Follow-up at the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indicators for the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity , UK, June 2011 (TE, BR) ECOSYSTEM SERVICE INDICATORS PROJECT II
Assessment of Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystems CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY COP10 Nagoya, Japan, October 2010 Agenda item 4.9 (c) PLAN OF ACTION ON SUBNATIONAL GOVERNMENTS, CITIES AND OTHER LOCAL AUTHORITIES FOR BIODIVERSITY Decision as adopted “Requests the Executive Secretary, subject to the availability of resources, to prepare an assessment of the links and opportunities between urbanization and biodiversity for the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties, based on the third edition of the Global Biodiversity Outloo Global Partnership: SCBD, UNEP, UN-Habitat, UNESCO, WCMC, ICLEI, URBIO, URBIS, SRC
Four Working Groups Condition and Trends What is the current condition and historical trends of urbanization and effects on biodiversity and ecosystems? What have been the consequences of urbanization on biodiversity, ecosystems and human well-being? Why biodiversity and ecosystems services matter in urban landscapes Responses What can we do to enhance human well- being through sustainably manage urban biodiversity and ecosystem services? Scenarios What will be the consequences of continued and accelerated urbanization for biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well- being, particularly in developing countries? Analyses at the Urban Landscape scale All of the above illustrated with a rich set of examples at regional and local scales LBSAPS CBI
Plan Coordinated by SRC and bioSUSTAINABILITY IPO 4 coordinating lead authors lead authors contributing authors Total pages Main messages and data visualized on the web (develop ) Budget – Japanese government, neg. withWorld Bank (Urban Knowledge Platform) Presented at PUP, Rio+20, delivered to COP11 Link: TEEB follow-up for local governments IPBES
PECS In the process of discussing synergies Collaboration with working groups: Marine social-ecological systems Urbanizing landscapes and effects on natural capital Reserves in regions - protected areas Food for all through sustainable ecosystems Drylands