Ch 17 Video Microsoft Movie Maker (Part 2)
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1. Download the folder VE4 VE4 to D:\F3\3X\ (where X is your class.) 0. Preparation 2. Open video project stmc3x.mswmm
1. Import music file
0:00: Splitting video manually A. Adjust video position & press cut button B. video0002(2) video0003
3. Insert between video objects
4. Audio Editing (1) A. Press button to expand audio bar B. Delete/ Mute Audio
4. Audio Editing (2) A. Drag and Drop SchoolSong B. Place SchoolSong to the beginning of the movie
5. Make Title and Credit (1) A. Title at the beginning
5. Make Title and Credit (2) B. Credit at the end Enter your name as the Editor
5. Make Title and Credit (3) C. Title on Selected clips After completing the title, adjust its length & position.
6. Finalization Position for one Complete School Song Adjust the length of audio and video objects After Before Show your work to your teacher