Combining Like Terms
Terms Are separated by a sign (- or +)
How many terms are in the example?
Coefficient it is the number next to the variable. You must have a variable to have a coefficient.
Any variable without a number in front of it has an understood coefficient of 1.
Constant a number without a variable
Combine Like Terms
That is the answer…don’t do anything else!
6y + 4y + 8
10y + 8
7n + 6y + 3 – 2n + 4
5n + 6y + 7
3r -2r + 5
r + 5
4n + 6m + n - 2m + 2
4m + 5n + 2
2x x x
6x + 3
What if our expression looks like this…. 6(b + 2)How could we simply this expression? Use the Distributive Property
Let’s practice. 4(6 + k) 4 (6) + 4 (k) 24+4k Do worksheet.
Challenge Problem 5(d + 3) + 9 5(d) + 5(3) + 9 5d d + 24