Radio Merit Badge Day Boy Scouts of America Guide for Presenters: Intro, Lunch, and Closing Sessions BSA National Radio Scouting Committee 2012
Play two Ham Band music videos for early arrivers beginning at 8:45: “See You on the Airwaves” “The Contest ” Gathering Activity
Introductory “Hello” Video on Amateur Radio Orientation Introductions Divide into four patrols Choose number of patrols according to number of scouts attending. Vary the program according to number of patrols. Orientation Session Topics
Goal – To earn Radio Merit Badge and Have Fun Write key facts in your notebooks Good Behavior Pay attention Ask meaningful questions Treat the place and instructors with respect. Don’t touch things unless you’re told to, especially in the museum area Hams all greet each other with just their first names, so you can too! Housekeeping You’ll be moving between three classrooms. Hang coats and store lunches in closet Clean-up each classroom as you leave Restrooms are located at… Help fold tables and move chairs at end of the day Safety – Fire Exits and First Aid Orientation
Introductions Ham Radio Operators Important Guests Learning about Radio can lead to a career Introductions & Career
Count off by fours and remember your Patrol’s Phonetic Letter Patrols assemble in each corner Determine Highest ranking Scout to be Patrol Leader Receive Class schedule and move as groups to respective classrooms. Divide into patrols
Show the following videos while Scouts eat their lunches: Amateur Radio Today Icom 2004 Hamvention Part 3 Video Tour with Sarah and Trevor Q&A session Lunch Time Activity
Show “Katrina the Untold Story’ preview Tie to “Be Prepared “ and “Do a good Turn Daily” Hand out upcoming Technician Course flyer and current ARRL recruiting brochure Present Blue Cards Thank host Gather for Group Photo Clean up Closing Session