Curriculum Night September 17, 2015 Welcome to Room Find your students desk - Take a moment to review the information on the Demographic form found on your child’s desk. If any changes need to be made please indicate on the form and then sign. - Please write a note to your child for them to read tomorrow - Feel free to look around
Agenda Classroom Routines/Housekeeping Report Cards and Conferences Second Grade Curriculum
Daily Schedule Morning: -Specialist -Readers Workshop -Writers Workshop Afternoon: -Specialist -Math -Snack and daily read aloud -Science -Social Studies -Health
Specialists Library Books are due on or before Fridays. Wear appropriate clothing and shoes for PE on Tuesday and Thursday. Music is on Monday and Thursday Computer lab is scheduled from 1:45-2:45 on Mondays. **
What will homework look like? Math Homework— Home Links Reading Calendar— at least 20 minutes a night/5 nights a week. Occasional Assignments- Autumn High-rise Clothespin Dolls Leprechaun Traps No homework on Friday* or over breaks
Classroom Management and School Expectations Rules/Expectations Student Responsibilities Shazams! Red Tickets – Weekly Drawing Class Fuzzies
Classroom Expectations Be Safe! Show Respect Make a Good Decision Solve the Problem School Expectations Be Safe! Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Resourceful Treat others as we want to be treated!
Classroom Volunteers Sign In and Out Wear your badge! Volunteers will begin in October. Volunteer Training September 23 rd, from 10:0-10:30, in the library. I hope you can attend. Forms: WSP and Release/Hold Harmless forms need to be done online each year and need to be returned before you can volunteer. Classroom Opportunities: Art Docent, Room Parent coordinator, copying, work from home, 1-on-1 or small group work with students PTA Opportunities
Conferences Wednesday, Dec. 2 nd and Thursday Dec. 3 rd You will sign up electronically No School for Students! Student participation if you so choose
Report cards online November 25 th, March 18 th and June 16 th Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment (Fall and Spring) District Writing assessment (Fall and Spring) Stanford Achievement Test (Usually the end of January) Cognitive Abilities Test (Usually the beginning of March) Report Cards and Assessments
Literacy Shared/Guided Reading Making Meaning Read Alouds/Mentor texts Bookroom Books Comprehension Strategies Writing Units of Study Forms of Writing: Narrative, Informational. Persuasive and Poetry Writers Workshop model Self-Selected Reading Read to Self Read to Someone Word Study Fountas and Pinnell lessons on Phonics Grammar, Vocabulary Content Areas Vocabulary Word Work
Daily Literacy Time Focus Lesson Teacher Guided Reading/Conferring Student Independent Reading Read To Someone Response to Reading Word Work Student Share/Reflect
Writing Folder Assignment To help generate ideas for writing, card stock will come home next week. Please use this to cover with photos, pictures or words that are meaningful for your child. If they’re stuck for something to write about, they can refer to this and perhaps get an idea. This is a powerful tool when we write personal narratives this year!
Mathematics Everyday Math Problem Solving opportunities and strategies Unit Letters (sent electronically) Tests at the end of each Unit Practice at Home: Math Facts through 20 IXL Math (online math practice)
Science First Trimester Plants and Organisms Spring Trimester Forces and Motion
Health Curriculum Topics are: Emotions Germs Healthy eating The heart Safety
Orange Ruler Fundraiser: -Fun Run is October 2 nd -Top classes each day and at the end win prizes
Return volunteer paperwork and information for parent coordinator by Friday next week Emergency Bags are due by Sept. 30 th Consider joining our wonderful PTA! Scholastic Book Orders due by Sept. 30th Please leave your child’s letter and signed demographic form on their desk. Please take home their poem and portrait. Questions?