Manpower Worksheet Micro-Pinoy
2 Manpower Click on the worksheet tab labeled “MANPOWER”. “Account Officer” refers to staff that solicit new clients, process loans and collect loan payments. They are also known as Field Staff, Collector, Account Solicitor, Credit Investigator, Field Appraiser, and others. “Microfinance Supervisor” is also a generic term referring to those staff whose primary responsibility is to directly supervise the Account Officers.
3 A. Workload Indicator Per AO There are six (6) indicators that measure the efficiency of the account officers and other staff: # of Active Borrowers # of Savers # Active Borrowers per Account Officer Active Portfolio per Account Officer (in pesos) # Loans Disbursed per Account Officer Loans Disbursed per Account Officer (pesos) You can use these indicators as guide in determining the quantity and timing of hiring of account officers and other staff.
4 Step 1 Alternatively, Micro-Pinoy will give a suggestion on the timing (at which month) and the number of additional account officers that will be needed for a specified maximum caseload that you provide in cell F9 to AC9. For example, a 100 maximum caseload per account officer means that each account officer can manage a maximum of 100 active borrowers. If the number of active borrowers exceeds this number, then there is a need to add at least another account officer. Micro-Pinoy will inform you how many to hire and the latest time (month) they have to be available. Micro-Pinoy will use the last figure you had provided in the most previous months if you don’t make any changes. Assume that the maximum caseload per AO is 120 accounts. Input 120 in cell F8. A. Workload Indicator Per AO
5 Step 2 Some microfinance organizations prefer to simultaneously hire a minimum number of account officers. This is referred to as the “Minimum Account Officer Hiring Size.” For example, a hiring size of three (3) means that at least three account officers are hired simultaneously – not one or two. You may specify you planned hiring size in cells F12 to AC12. Assume that the minimum AO hiring size is 1 – that is, one AO is hired at a time. Input 1 in cell F12. A. Workload Indicator Per AO
6 Step 3 Generally, new account officers undergo a preliminary training phase. During this time, they are not yet fully productive. This “unproductive” phase has to be taken into account when determining the time of hiring. This means that account officers have to be hired ahead of the time when they are expected to be fully productive. This lead-time, expressed in number of months can be inputted in cell F15. You have the option to use zero to six months. (Use zero if the lead-time is less than a month). Assume that the lead time to hire AOs is 1 month. Input 1 in cell F15. A. Workload Indicator Per AO
7 Step 4 Then, Micro-Pinoy will display the “Minimum # of Additional Account Officer(s) Needed” for each month in cells F17 to AC17. You can use this as a guide in inputting the number of account officers to be hired in cells F51 to AC51. Alternatively, you can use Micro-Pinoy’s automatic feature by clicking on the button located on top of the worksheet. The button is labeled “CLICK HERE TO AUTOMATICALLY USE THE INDICATED MINIMUM # OF ADDITIONAL ACCOUNT OFFICER(S) NEEDED.” Micro-Pinoy notifies you whenever you have exceeded the Maximum Caseload per Account Officer within rows F18 to AC18. If this is exceeded, the template shows a “YES” in the appropriate month. Otherwise, it shows a “NO”. A. Workload Indicator Per AO
8 Step 5 In cells B53 to B58, specify the other positions, if any, involved in the microfinance operations. Assume that there are no other personnel in the bank involved full- time in microfinance, aside from the AOs and their Supervisor. A. Workload Indicator Per AO
9 Step 6 In the appropriate months, input the number of individuals to be hired for other staff positions (cells F52 to AC58). If new staff will be added, input a positive number in the corresponding month. If staff will be reduced, then input a negative number. In both cases, always input a figure representing an increment and not cumulative. Assume that two AOs and one Supervisor are hired in Month 1. Input 2 in cell F51 & 1 in cell F52. One AO will be hired in each occasion in Month 9, Month 14, and Month 20. A. Workload Indicator Per AO
10 B. Position & Salaries Step 7 Input the average monthly salary for each staff position in cells F64 to F71. Do not input the 13 th month mandatory salary, because this will be automatically computed. Assume that an AO receives a salary of P5,000 a month and the Supervisor is paid P7,500 a month. Input P5,000 in cell F64 and P7,500 in cell F65.
11 Step 8 Some staff are expected to spend full-time on the product or microfinance operation, some are not. Allocation Rate (cells G64 to G71) allows estimates of the extent of their salaries/compensation will be charged to the product or microfinance operation. This option is particularly useful in situations where some staff spend only part of their time (not full-time) into the microfinance product. For example, 100% means that the staff spends full-time into microfinance, while 50% means half of the time. Provide your estimates. Assume that the AOs and the MF Supervisor will work full-time on the MF product. Input 100% in cell G64 and 100% in cell G65. B. Position & Salaries
12 Step 9 You may provide a future salary increase as a percentage of the average salary you had specified in Step 6. Input the percentages in cells I64 to I71 under the column “Inflation Rate p.a.” Assume that average annual inflation rate is 10% p.a.. Input 10% in cells I64 and I65. B. Position & Salaries
13 C. Other Compensation Step 10 Input the estimated staff benefits as a percentage of salaries in cells F78 to AC78. Assume that the staff benefits are equivalent to 25% of staff salaries. Input 25% in cell F78. Step 11 Input the estimated performance incentives, if any, as a percentage of salaries in cell F81 to AC81. Assume that there will be no staff performance incentives that will be given during the two-year projection period.
14 D. Grants Received to Cover Salaries & Professional Fees Step 12 If you expect to receive grants that will be used to cover for certain salaries and professional fees, input the amount. Assume that there will be no grant that will be given to the bank for staff salaries and professional fees during the two-year projection period.
15 E. Professional Fees, etc. Step 13 If there are professional fees and other expenses (not covered by grant) such as those paid for consultancy work, include them in cells F101 to AC101, and F104 to AC104. Assume that the bank will be paying P25,000 per month for six months, from Month 1 to Month 6, for the services of a microfinance service provider. Input P25,000 in cell F101 (Month 1), and 0 in cell L101 (Month 7).
16 Reminder Save File: It is prudent to save your work regularly in order to minimize the possibility of losing data. Save now. To Print: If you wish to automatically print the figures from months 1 to 24, click the button labeled “CLICK HERE TO PRINT THE MONTHLY FIGURES” adjacent to the top rows of the worksheet.